DOI: 10.12737/2219-0767-2024-17-2-7-15

A.V. Akimenko1, E.A. Anikeev1, R.Y. Medvedev1

Algorithm for calculating the heat inflows of a refrigerator
  • 1Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Refrigerators for various purposes (commercial, industrial, transport, household, etc.) are widely used in the national economy for storing of perishable goods. Refrigerators also differ in size, design, and operating principle. Food industry enterprises, transhipment bases, and large retail facilities (shops, supermarkets, food markets) are equipped with large-capacity refrigerators. The required temperature regime of the refrigerator is provided by a refrigeration machine. The operation of a refrigeration machine is based on the transfer of heat from the cooled space to the external environment. The load on refrigeration equipment is determined by heat inflows - thermal energy entering the refrigerated room from various sources. In accordance with the known methodology, an algorithm was compiled for calculating heat inflows into the refrigeration room. During the calculation process, heat inflows through the enclosing structures of the room (walls, roof, interfloor ceilings) from the air outside them, or from the ground, if the of the refrigeration chamber floor lies on a ground base, are determined. For external fences (walls, roof), heat inflows from solar radiation are also calculated. In addition, the calculation includes determining heat in-flows from refrigerated cargo and containers; from lighting fixtures; from people entering the premises; from air flow through opened doors; from electric motors operation. The total heat inflow is defined as the sum of partial heat inflows from all sources.
  • Keywords — Refrigerator, refrigeration room, heat inflow, temperature, algorithm.

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DOI: 10.12737/2219-0767-2024-17-2-15-23

S.M. Bantyukov1, 2

Creation of a visually graphical quality management system of the Etalon enterprise in the aviation industry
  • 1Public Joint Stock Company AK «Rubin», This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    2Moscow State University of Technology and Management (First Cossack University), Moscow, Russia

  • Keywords — Quality management object, organizational quality system, quality management, project management, graphical system, monitoring system.

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DOI: 10.12737/2219-0767-2024-17-2-24-31

I.A. Vikulin1, V.V. Zinovieva1, O.S. Nikulcheva1, A.V. Skrypnikov1, A.S. Sergeev1

Simulation modeling of deformative indicators of departmental highways reinforced with a slag-silicate binder
  • 1Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies

  • The article considers one of the ways to increase the strength of structural layers of departmental highways reinforced with a slag-licate binder. Based on the studied works devoted to this topic, it is concluded that the search for new materials used as binders is relevant, the solution of which will increase the volume of construction of departmental logging roads. The utilization of slags will increase the economic feasibility of building a public road for the enterprise, which will increase the profitability of the main production. Using correlative experimental data, a direct close correlation was established between the physical and chemical parameters of soils reinforced with a slag-silicate binder: compressive strength and tensile strength during bending; modulus of elasticity and modulus of deformation. Thus, when strengthening soils with a slag silicate binder, it is possible to obtain a material with a fairly wide range of strength and deformative parameters. It has been established that for soils reinforced with a slag-licate binder, it is necessary to establish an upper limit of compressive strength. Recommended strength parameters of slag silicate samples have been determined. As a result of the study, it was concluded that when strengthening soils with binders, it is necessary to take into account the composition and properties of soils, their ability to chemical and physico-chemical interaction with binders, as well as the composition and properties of binders introduced into soils and those processes of chemical and physico-chemical order that they flow between the soil and the binder, as well as in the binders themselves.
  • Keywords — Departmental roads, roadway quality, soil strength, cinder block binder, slag disposal.

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DOI: 10.12737/2219-0767-2024-17-2-32-42

E.A. Dmitriev1, A.F. Tarakanov1, E.A. Shipilova1

Mathematical modeling and implementation of information and calculation tasks «MASKING»
  • 1Military Educational and Scientific Centre of the Air Force N.E. Zhukovsky and Y.A. Gagarin Air Force Academy (Voronezh)

  • Analysis of the masking process indicates the production of a large number of calculations that ensure the validity of relevant decisions. Nevertheless, the clear formulations of information and calculation tasks and methods for the distribution of forces and means involved in the implementation of the masking process are poorly developed, and for some practical cases are absent. The purpose of the article is to develop a set of mathematical models of information and calculation problems and methods for solving them to increase the effectiveness of masking military formations. Among the tasks of masking are the following: an operational assessment of the information capabilities of enemy reconnaissance systems (means) and the amount of information required by its governing bodies to make decisions regarding valid and false intentions; determination of the number of forces and means necessary and sufficient for the execution of masking measures, as well as the operational tactical significance of masking measures; formation and assessment of the quality of the optimal option for the distribution of forces and means; evaluation of masking efficiency and possible degree of achievement of its goal (enemy deception). The developed set of information and calculation tasks for masking is designed to increase the effectiveness of masking of military formations due to the optimal distribution of the forces and means involved. The proposed methodology for assessing the effectiveness of masking military formations, based on the provisions of probability theories and information, makes it possible to comprehensively assess the qualitative characteristics of the ongoing operational masking activities.
  • Keywords — Operative masking, unmasking features, real and false objects, detection probability, hiding factor, imitation factor, linear programming, non-linear programming

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DOI: 10.12737/2219-0767-2024-17-2-43-50

K.V. Zolnikov1, D.A. Achkasov1

Modeling and optimization of the design of a bandpass filter based on a coaxial resonator
  • 1 Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov

  • When developing radio receivers in the microwave range, engineers are faced with the task of creating filter circuits with sufficiently high selectivity. Discrete radio elements do not have a sufficient quality factor to construct such filters, therefore, to solve this problem, volumetric electromagnetic resonators are used, in particular vacuum coaxial resonators. This paper provides a review of existing techniques. The main factors influencing the behavior of the electromagnetic field in filters built on the basis of coaxial cavity resonators are also considered, a simulation of such a filter in the S-wave range is carried out, and the main recommendations and relationships used in its design are indicated. As practice shows, an accurate assessment of the parameters of complex microwave structures can only be made using computer numerical modeling methods, however, such calculations take a lot of time if carried out without any preliminary estimates, especially if we are talking about creating a high-order filter with a number of links of 4 or more. At the same time, the method for calculating filters outlined in this article makes it possible to find estimated filter parameters, the further optimization of which is advisable to carry out using numerical methods. The described approach allows us to significantly reduce development time and quickly select the geometric parameters necessary for good electrical matching.
  • Ключевые слова — Microwave, bandpass filters, volumetric resonator, coaxial resonator, electrodynamics.

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  • С. 43-50.

DOI: 10.12737/2219-0767-2024-17-2-50-61

S.D. Nikolenko1, S.P. Kozodaev1, S.A. Sazonova1,2

Modeling the occurrence of internal stresses in a complex material structure
  • 1Voronezh State Technical University, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    2Voronezh State Pedagogical University

  • The article is devoted to solving the problem aimed at improving the operational characteristics of the bridge bed of a railway bridge through the use of dispersed reinforcement. It is noted that structural elements made of fibroconcrete behave similarly to reinforced concrete with increasing load: long before destruction, they experience a continuity violation. The question of the distribution of forces between the individual fibers that stop the crack, the change in these conditions during the destruction, the magnitude and directions of these efforts at the moment preceding the destruction is considered. A centrally stretched structural element chaotically reinforced with fibers with a violation of continuity in the form of a through crack perpendicular to the tensile stresses is investigated. The proposed dependencies allow us to estimate the distribution of forces between individual fibers crossing the crack and the deformations of the element associated with the opening of the latter, which is important for creating a unified methodology for calculating strength and determining deformations of fiber-reinforced concrete structures. The expediency of using dispersed (fiber) reinforcement in a ballast-free reinforced concrete slab is considered. The task statement and description of fiber reinforcement are completed. The subject area is proposed to be justified experimentally by studying fiber reinforced concrete for impact load and structures with dispersed reinforcement for alternating inertial load. The conducted experimental studies have shown the possibility of using dispersed (fiber) reinforcement in a ballast-free reinforced concrete slab.
  • Keywords — Modeling, distribution of forces between individual fibers, dispersed reinforcement of structures, reinforced concrete, fiber concrete, bridge bed of a railway bridge, dynamic loads.

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    [32] Condition monitoring of multi-apartment buildings / S. Sazonova, S. Nikolenko, E. Chernikov [et al.] // AIP Conference Proceedings. – 2022. – V. 2647. – P. 030018. – DOI: 10.1063/5.0104699.

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  • С. 50-61.

DOI: 10.12737/2219-0767-2024-17-2-62-70

T.P. Novikova1, S.A. Evdokimova1, A.I. Novikov1

Mathematical model of intermodal cargo transportation
  • 11Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov

  • In order to improve the quality of transport services, cooperation between road and long-distance transport, improve efficiency and timeliness, the freight transportation market needs a service-oriented model that solves transport problems based on customer requirements. Therefore, the study of the optimization of container transportation routes by public rail and a combination of modes of transport is important for improving the efficiency of transport services. When planning the transport needs of various shippers, it is necessary to develop reasonable transport solutions, usually controlling both total transport costs and total transportation time, planning optimal routes and choosing a combination of modes of transport. In this paper, the problem of optimizing the distribution of public railway transport on the basis of a non-stop mode is considered. The purpose of the developed mathematical model was to reduce the total cost of transportation and total time, as well as to limit the time window of railway service at transit hubs. A genetic algorithm is proposed to solve the problem of optimizing the implementation of intermodal freight transportation. Based on the characteristics of the model of this work, a matrix approach to coding is used for the task of optimizing the intermodal path, which reduces complexity and also preserves the genetic integrity of descendants.
  • Keywords — Mathematical model, genetic algorithm, multimodal transportation, path optimization, transport network.

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DOI: 10.12737/2219-0767-2024-17-2-71-82

S.A. Sazonova1,2, A.N. Koshel1,3, I.N. Panteleev1, N.V. Akamsina1, I.M. Kabanova4, S.S. Rylov5

The algorithm for diagnosing leaks of the target product under conditions of uncertainty for the hydraulic system системы
  • 1 Voronezh State Technical University

    2 Voronezh State Pedagogical University

    3 The Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Voronezh region

    4 Voronezh State Forestry Engineering University named after G.F. Morozov

    5 Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies

  • An algorithm for determining the presence or absence of leaks in functioning hydraulic systems is considered, based on existing methods for determining the location and volume of such leaks. Based on the collected data on the hydraulic parameters of such systems, it is proposed to create a statistical model with all the statistical parameters required for performing calculations. The emphasis is placed on the fact that it is necessary to take into account the features of the hydraulic system in question, depending on its purpose and the technologies used. Mathematical models and methods of leak diagnostics in hydraulic systems are considered, including the identification of the facts of the existence of a leak based on the use of mathematical models to determine the location and size of such leaks. In this article, the research focuses on the detection of leaks with unknown amplitudes based on the verification of two alternative hypotheses for a hydraulic system, taking into account interference from the stochasticity of the demand. It is noted that the transition from the task of verifying two alternative hypotheses to the task of verifying multiple alternative hypotheses or pattern recognition provides a deeper and more comprehensive analysis of leaks. This will allow for more accurate and efficient detection of unusual leaks and provide more reliable protection of hydraulic systems.
  • Ключевые слова — Mathematical models, leaks, hydraulic systems, two-alternative hypothesis, algorithm, target product, stochasticity of consumption

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  • С. 71-82.

DOI: 10.12737/2219-0767-2024-17-2-82-92

M.Y. Titov1

Ways of improvement effective methods of protecting information in dual-purpose unmanned aerial vehicles
  • 11MIREA – Russian Technological University, Moscow, Russian Federation

  • At work considers the main directions for improving effective ways to protect information in the information exchange system when controlling unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) by building an optimal information transmission system under the influence of external influencing factors. The main aspects of the interaction of technical means of MGCS and UAV, which form the basis of the UAV control system, are presented. The prospects of increasing the possibilities of using UAVs through the use of combined groups, including UAVs and manned aircraft (MA) controlled by unified PNPU with an open architecture, are determined. It is shown that effective management of processes and flows in the infrastructure of unmanned vehicles presupposes the presence of information systems that ensure the detection of malicious software and information security of testing technology in the process of standardization and certification. An algorithm for the implementation of ISS certification is presented, which complements the access control system (ACS) with the capabilities to search for UA IES channels, identify their scenarios and eliminate them It is shown how useful some provisions of the theory can be used to improve the efficiency of information exchange systems. An algorithm for the synthesis of the unauthorized access detection system is given and recommendations for improving the noise immunity of radio control lines «mobile ground control station (MGCS)-UAV» in negative external influences (NEI). The expediency of developing a decision making mechanism is noted, according to which, in relation to the operating conditions of radio lines, their operability is assessed and the possibilities of their functioning with a given level of quality are determined. Based on the analysis of data on the operability of the entire complex of software and hardware controls and communications involved in the operation of MGCS and UAVs in NEI conditions, recommendations and proposals for improving the operability of radio lines in NEI conditions are formulated.
  • Ключевые слова — Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) information transmission systems, effectiveness of information security in dual-purpose unmanned aerial vehicles, optimization and modeling tasks.
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DOI: 10.12737/2219-0767-2024-17-2-93-100

A.V. Poluektov1, R.Yu. Medvedev1, A.I. Zarevich1

Simulation of attenuation of ionizing radiation due to protective casing of circuits
  • 1Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov

  • The article examines the influence of the electromagnetic field generated as a result of a nuclear explosion and the degree of negative impact on the CMOS semiconductor. The possibility of providing protection of semiconductor devices from radiation using a protective housing is assessed. A review of the various materials that are used to construct protective screens is carried out, the level of protection of various substances from different types of radiation, their positive and negative sides, in particular their weight, their joint use, and the inability to protect against the entire spectrum of radiation. A mathematical model for designing a protective screen containing four layers and limited in both weight and thickness is being built. As a computer experiment, a program in the C# programming language was developed based on a mathematical model, which provided the calculation of the optimal parameters of the protective case, which will ensure effective protection of the device. Modeling the protective enclosure allows you to preliminarily assess the effectiveness of the protection and take measures to strengthen it, if necessary. This reduces the risk of damage to the device and ensures its reliable operation even under conditions of increased radiation exposure.
  • Keywords — Mathematical model, modeling, computer simulation, model, C#, microcircuit, electromagnetic fields, CMOS semiconductors, radiation, shielding, shielding efficiency.

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