DOI: 10.12737/2219-0767-2024-17-1-7-18

D.V. Arapov1, N.Yu. Yudina2, V.A. Kuritsyn3, L.A. Korobova4

Mathematical support for information and control system for storing products with limited storage life
  • 1Moscow State University of Technology and Management named after. K.P. Razumovsky, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    2Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov

    3CJSC «Engineering automation systems in industry», Voronezh

    4Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies

  • The work presents a solution to the problem of developing mathematical support for an information and control system for storing products with a limited shelf life using the example of storing sugar beets in field conditions and in heaps at sugar factories based on experimental experiments published in the open press data. An end-to-end ranking of methods for storing root crops was carried out, starting with a root lying separately on the field (rank 0.1 points), from simple windrows and heaps (rank 0.2 points) to specialized root storage and ventilated piles covered with special bactericidal coatings with reflective and protective properties (rank 4 points). An end-to-end ranking of mechanical damage to sugar beet roots has been implemented, starting from 1 point (the root crop is practically undamaged) to 0.1 point (fragments and tails). The studied hybrids were ranked according to sugar content. Based on the rankings, taking into ac-count storage time and temperature, mathematical models (mm) of the dependence of technological indicators of beet raw materials, including losses of beet mass and sucrose, on storage parameters were built for each study. Extensive computational experiments were per-formed using an interactive identification and optimization system (isio), which is based on a genetic algorithm and the Hooke-Jeeves nonlinear programming method. The errors of the developed models do not exceed the errors of the experimental data used to construct them.
  • Ключевые слова — Controlled storage, sugar root crop, safety indicators, ranking, mathematical model.

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DOI: 10.12737/2219-0767-2024-17-1-19-26

I.A. Vysotskaya1

Justification of information and intellectual support for the principles of operation of technical systems
  • 1Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Information and intelligent systems are a combination of knowledge, methods and technologies aimed at supporting specialists and engineers in the design, operation and optimization of technical systems. The task of searching for acceptable principles of operation of technical systems is achieved by searching for optimal solutions, analyzing their characteristics and identifying the most preferable options from the point of view of the assigned tasks. When searching for optimal solutions, various options for operating principles should be considered. A rational choice of the fundamental principles of the functioning of a technical system ensures the efficiency and quality of management decisions made. The purpose of this work is to substantiate the information-intellectual system of multivariate analysis, which provides the search for technical solutions. A logging road is considered as the object of study. The features of the organization of work during the construction of logging roads have been studied, and the choice of research method has been justified. An information-intellectual system is described that generates for further development acceptable principles of action in technical solutions in accordance with the formulated task. A description of the information-intelligent system for searching technical solutions is presented. The set of solutions is described in the form of an AND/OR tree, which allows you to efficiently store and select feasible solutions using graph methods.
  • Ключевые слова — Principle of operation of a technical system, physical, complex technical system, timber road, information and intelligent system

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  • С. 19-26.

DOI: 10.12737/2219-0767-2024-17-1-27-34

I.A. Vysotskaya1

Justification of methods for searching for principles of operation of complex technical systems and objects
  • 1Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • The design of technical systems is a complex process that requires taking into account many technical and engineering aspects. In modern conditions, problems arise in the development of complex technical systems and objects. To improve the quality of the designed systems and their economic feasibility can be achieved thanks to the operating principle model. The correct choice of the fundamental principles of the functioning of a technical system ensures the efficiency and quality of the management decision made. The principle of operation of a complex technical system is a sequence of actions that are based on certain physical effects that are necessary for the functioning of the system. When searching for optimal design solutions, it is necessary to consider various options for operating principles. Using a variety of physical effects, you can create different versions of the operating principles of complex technical systems and objects. One of the most famous methods for finding solutions is the morphological box method. The paper examines various ways to formalize the morphological box method and draws conclusions about the features of its application. The operating principle of a complex technical system is described, based on the concept of coupling of physical effects. The presented description of the set of technical solutions (tree of possible solutions), in contrast to the morphological box model, provides a complete hierarchical representation of the operating principle and allows us to identify feasible solutions using graph methods.
  • Ключевые слова — Operating principle of a technical system, physical effects, graph, complex technical system, morphological box.

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  • С. 27-34.

DOI: 10.12737/2219-0767-2024-17-1-35-42

I.A. Vysotskaya1

Search for a set of acceptable management solutions in technical systems
  • 1 Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Scientific and technological progress leads to a continuous increase in the number and complexity of designed systems, as a result of which there is a need to create modern information and intelligent decision support systems. Such systems will make it possible to predict various scenarios of management decisions, which in turn helps to increase the efficiency and quality of the project. Effective use of automation in the search for management decisions can reduce the time spent on analysis, improve the quality of decisions made and increase the overall productivity and competitiveness of the organization. The purpose of this work is to substantiate the scientific approach to the issue of automated search for acceptable management solutions in technical systems. To describe management decisions, a concept is proposed that allows one to compactly depict the structure of complex hierarchical systems. Many solutions are described, and the problem of finding acceptable management solutions is formulated. A system for automated search for management decisions is described. An algorithm is presented for searching solutions that are feasible with respect to a certain condition from a set of possible ones, based on removing the vertices of the search tree that are invalid according to the specification. A description of the automation of building a model of many technical solutions is presented. Using a model to search for a set of acceptable management decisions allows you to more accurately predict various scenarios for the management decision made and helps to increase the efficiency and improve the quality of the project.
  • Ключевые слова — Management decision, complex technical system, automated search for solutions, algorithm for finding feasible solutions, design.

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  • С. 35-42.

DOI: 10.12737/2219-0767-2024-17-1-42-56

V.G. Gorbunov1, O.L. Bordyuzha1, A.A. Pak2

Comparative analysis of PROMETHEUS methods and fuzzy relations in decision-making conditions
  • 1Voronezh State Forest Engineering University named after G.F. Morozov, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    2ФГБОУ ВО Voronezh State Engineering University, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • The article examines the issues of researching two decision-making methods. The paper provides an algorithm for selecting various types of criteria for preference functions that give pairwise assessments of alternative values. Preference indices for all criteria are determined, and a matrix of these indices is constructed. The graph of weighted superiority is used for all alternatives based on the index matrix. Input and output flows are determined to assess the domination of alternatives. These flows ensure ranking of alternatives in complete order. Another method involves evaluating alternatives using fuzzy relations. Definitions of utility functions for given alternatives are given. Distributions of normalized assessments on an ordered scale are shown. Pairwise assessments of alternatives are considered. Decision-making for the two methods is demonstrated using the example of designing a workshop section, which is evaluated against six criteria for three alternatives. In this example, preference indices for each pair of alternatives are presented, assessments of output and input flows are provided, and a series of alternative preferences are shown. Utility functions and pairwise assessments of alternatives are presented for fuzzy relations. Assessments of the dominance share for criteria by various methods are given. The structures of criteria for methods where equivalence of values is observed and differences in the decision-making process are shown. Conclusions are drawn regarding the features that lead to discrepancies in assessments and at which stages for different methods. Recommendations are provided for using the analysis results for decision-making support. The application of the results of this research in practice will significantly enhance the efficiency of decision-making.
  • Ключевые слова — Decision-making method, criterion, alternative, utility functions, preference indices, domination, efficiency, analysis.

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  • С. 42-56.

DOI: 10.12737/2219-0767-2024-17-1-57-65

A.N. Karelin1

Modeling of heat and mass transfer systems in industrial nuclear power plants
  • 1Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • The purpose of the work is to carry out the necessary theoretical research and practical research for the possibility of using modern methods of ventilation of premises or using these methods in various technical installations of a nuclear reactor. The study is based on the study of the aerodynamic characteristics of an object (a crowded ship room or a nuclear reactor) at reference points. The scientific novelty of the work consists in the use of patented technologies (originally proposed by the author, and then patented by the responsible executor of the topic, a hydroaerodynamic transformer) and equipment for solving these problems for use in nuclear energy. The results of scientific research may be of interest to a wide range of specialists and scientists, mainly for nuclear energy. The research methods are based on the methods of similarity theory (Reynolds similarity criterion) and differential equations. A mathematical approach to modeling the system under study and heat and mass transfer processes occurring in an industrial nuclear power plant or spatial objects of ship premises has been formed. A general methodological approach and a scheme for the research installation of a nuclear reactor have been developed, and a model based on second-order regression equations has been constructed. Based on mathematical models and confirmed theoretical results, the distribution of gas-liquid flows is empirically visualized in experimental studies. The intensification of heat and mass transfer in the fuel assembly of a nuclear reactor is considered.
  • Ключевые слова — Turbulent swirling flows, Reynolds, gas-liquid mixtures, heat and mass exchange.

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  • С. 57-65.

DOI: 10.12737/2219-0767-2024-17-1-65-72

O.V. Kuripta1, O.V. Minakova1, I.V. Poсebneva1

Architectural solution for service design space-time navigation in educational institutions
  • 1 Voronezh State Technical University, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • The paper presents an architectural solution to the problem of including navigation services in the already existing information system of the university. The relevance of the study is due to the modern development of indoor navigation technologies and the widespread prevalence of mobile services. The problem statement considers the multi-level architecture of the university IS and its functional logical model in relation to the concept of creating an adaptive educational environment. Based on this, the need to use microservices and APIs for space-time navigation in a university environment is justified. The presented justification of the selected design solutions is based on the proposed generalized scenario of internal navigation in the university, including the setting and construction of routes. Movement at the university is determined by the schedule of events, which implies space-time tracking depending on the role of the user and the infrastructure of buildings. The generalization of our experience in implementing various applications using navigation and location, as well as the results of the modeling of use cases from various points of view, allowed us to build a domain model. It has been proven that such an organization of the data model can be generated from the information structure of the portal and other external systems. Based on the described design solutions, a microservice architecture for a space-time navigation system with a public API has been developed. The key advantage of this approach is not only ample opportunities to support various university activities, but also the creation of infrastructure mechanisms for the modernization and development of the information and educational ecosystem.
  • Ключевые слова — Microservice architecture, data model, navigation service, public API, event schedule.

  • [1] Razrabotka obuchayuschey sistemy dlya uglublennogo izucheniya discipliny "Informacionnye sistemy upravleniya" [Development of a training system for in-depth study of the discipline “Management Information Systems”] / V.K. Zol'nikov [i dr.] // Modelirovanie informacionnyh sistem i tehnologiy : sbornik materialov Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferencii. – Voronezh, 2022. – S. 120-129. – DOI: 10.58168/MIST2022_120-129.

    [2] Svidetel'stvo o registracii programmy dlya EVM RU 2023669055. Navigator pervokursnika VGTU [First-year navigator of VSTU] : № 2023667759 : zayavl. 25.08.2023 ; opubl. 07.09.2023 / V.Yu. Bogdanov, O.V. Minakova ; zayavitel' i patentoobladatel' FGBOU VO «VGTU».

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    [4] Oksyuta, O.V. Analiz podhodov i algoritmov dlya resheniya zadachi raspoznavaniya ob'ektov [Analysis of approaches and algorithms for solving the problem of object recognition] / O.V. Oksyuta, S. Le, K.O. Medvedev // Modelirovanie informacionnyh sistem : sbornik materialov Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferencii. – Voronezh, 2021. – S. 185-193. – DOI: 10.34220/MIS185-193.

    [5] Zhidkih, N.S. Razrabotka v-modeli upravleniya proektami po sozdaniyu novyh modeley avtomobiley s primeneniem tehnologiy cifrovyh dvoynikov [Development of a v-model for project management for the creation of new car models using digital twin technologies] / N.S. Zhidkih, I.V. Pocebneva, A.V. Smol'yaninov // Kachestvo i zhizn'. – 2023. – № 2 (38). – S. 3-9. – DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2023-38-2-03-09.

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    [9] Oksyuta, O.V. Kachestvo obrazovaniya obuchaemyh v srednetehnicheskih obrazovatel'nyh uchrezhdeniyah [Quality of education for students in secondary technical educational institutions] / O.V. Oksyuta, D.S. Nesterova // Sovremennye aspekty modelirovaniya sistem i processov : sbornik materialov Vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferencii. – Voronezh, 2021. – S. 83-88. – DOI: 10.34220/MAMSP_83-88.

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    [12] Razrabotka matematicheskoy modeli optimizacii processa obucheniya kursantov silovyh struktur v vysshih uchebnyh zavedeniyah kak slozhnoy sistemy [Development of a mathematical model for optimizing the training process for cadets of law enforcement agencies in higher educational institutions as a complex system] / V.I. Sumin [i dr.] // Modelirovanie sistem i processov. – 2023. – T. 16, № 3. – S. 70-78. – DOI: 10.12737/2219-0767-2023-16-3-70-78.

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    [16] Novikova, T.P. Arhitektura informacionnyh system [Architecture of information systems] : uchebnoe posobie / T.P. Novikova, O.V. Oksyuta, K.V. Zol'nikov. – Voronezh, 2018. – 119 s.

    [17] Saidani, I. Improving the prediction of continuous integration build failures using deep learning / I. Saidani, A. Ouni, M.W. Mkaouer // Automated Software Engineering. – 2022. – T. 29, № 1. – S. 1-61. – DOI: 10.1007/s10515-021-00319-5.

    [18] Integrating quality management systems (TQM) in the digital age of intelligent transportation systems industry 4.0 / M.-S. Akhmatova, A. Deniskina, D.-M. Akhmatova, L. Prykina // Transportation Research Procedia. – 2022. – T. 63. – Pp. 1512-1520.

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    [20] Kol'cov, A.S. Organizaciya raspredelennoy infokommunikacionnoy seti uchrezhdeniy FSIN Rossii na osnove ierarhicheskoy struktury [Organization of a distributed infocommunication network of institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia on the basis of a hierarchical structure] / A.S. Kol'cov, P.Yu. Gusev // Vestnik Voronezhskogo instituta FSIN Rossii. – 2023. – № 2. – S. 57-65.

  • С. 65-72.

DOI: 10.12737/2219-0767-2024-17-1-73-84

A.A. Meshcheryakova1

Development of an automated control system for a mobile robot
  • 1Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • In modern conditions, when automation is becoming universal, there are many different names and manufacturers of automated control systems on the market. These systems include various devices such as communication facilities, multifunctional signal input/output boards, a variety of controllers, intelligent and non-intelligent sensors, actuators, single-board computers for industrial use and other devices. There are many companies and names in this field offering their products and solutions. Companies such as Siemens, Schneider Electric, ABB, Rockwell Automation, Honeywell and many others. The automated control system of the mobile robot allows for manual and automatic control under the direct supervision of a qualified employee. The main idea in the development of an automatic control system for mobile robots is that the robot moves through the warehouse premises of the enterprise without human intervention, transporting loads of different sizes and choosing the optimal trajectory of movement. The main advantage of mobile robotic platforms is their versatility. Mobile platforms can be used to perform a variety of tasks, such as transporting goods in a confined space or mapping an area. Depending on the characteristics of each mobile platform, you can create control systems to perform a specific task.
  • Ключевые слова — Automated control system, robot, modeling, algorithm, controller.

  • [1] Devyatov, D.A. Zamena rabochego sborschika promyshlennym robotom, vybor robota dlya izdeliya, sostavleniya marshruta sborki setyami Petri [Replacing a worker assembler with an industrial robot, choosing a robot for a product, drawing up an assembly route using Petri nets] / D.A. Devyatov, V.O. Yakovlev // Studencheskiy. – 2022. – № 42, 2 (212). – S. 51-54.

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    [40] Grechushkin, I.V. Primenenie nazemnyh robototehnicheskih kompleksov dlya provedeniya pogruzochno-razgruzochnyh i transportno-skladskih rabot [The use of ground-based robotic complexes for loading and unloading and transport and storage operations] / I.V. Grechushkin, V.I. Savin // Nauchnye problemy material'no-tehnicheskogo obespecheniya Vooruzhennyh Sil Rossiyskoy Federacii. – 2019. – № 3 (13). – S. 103-116.

    [41] Yagfarov, R.R. Razrabotka moduley vzaimodeystviya robota i cheloveka, interaktivnogo upravleniya, lokalizacii i kartografirovaniya dlya antropomorfnogo robota AR-601 [Development of modules for robot-human interaction, interactive control, localization and mapping for the anthropomorphic robot AR-601] / R.R. Yagfarov, A.S. Klimchik // Progress transportnyh sredstv i sistem – 2018 : sbornik materialov mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferencii. – Volgograd, 2018. – S. 138-140.

  • С. 73-84.

DOI: 10.12737/2219-0767-2024-17-1-84-92

O.V. Minakova1, I.V. Poсebneva1, P.Y. Gusev1

Improving the efficiency of work in Open Source projects based on architectural analysis (using the example of the Sakhan project)
  • 1Voronezh State Technical University, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • The paper presents a methodology for entering an open source project using architectural analysis to develop programming skills and volunteer activities using architectural analysis. The relevance is due to the difficulty of entering into joint projects. As a method for solving this problem, it is proposed to use architectural analysis according to the C4 model. Using the example of the Sahana EDEN software project from the source code repository, the application of this method is described. Interest in this project is due to both its humanitarian goal and the large number of active participants, which makes it a significant example of intellectual volunteering. For each step of the architectural analysis, a detailed description of the results is presented - context, container and component diagrams. An analysis of the repository of an open source project should begin with an overview of the project structure and a study of the description, open questions, rules for making changes, current problems and technical debt. The importance of assessing one's own capabilities through studying the project's coding standards, problems and technical debt is substantiated. The conducted research showed that project work with open source software allows one to improve programming skills in practice, gain experience in joint activities and production communications, which allows us to recommend the comprehensive use of open source projects as an important educational activity for students.
  • Ключевые слова — Free software, intelligent volunteering, project activities, technical debt, architectural analysis.

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    [4] Novikova, T.P. Arhitektura informacionnyh sistem [Architecture of information systems] : uchebnoe posobie / T.P. Novikova, O.V. Oksyuta, K.V. Zol'nikov. – Voronezh, 2018. – 119 s.

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    [13] Razrabotka matematicheskoy modeli optimizacii processa obucheniya kursantov silovyh struktur v vysshih uchebnyh zavedeniyah kak slozhnoy sistemy [Development of a mathematical model for optimizing the training process for cadets of law enforcement agencies in higher educational institutions as a complex system] / V.I. Sumin, A.S. Dubrovin, S.V. Rodin, V.K. Zol'nikov // Modelirovanie sistem i processov. – 2023. – T. 16, № 3. – S. 70-78. – DOI: 10.12737/2219-0767-2023-16-3-70-78.

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    [17] Razrabotka obuchayuschey sistemy dlya uglublennogo izucheniya discipliny «Informacionnye sistemy upravleniya» [Development of a training system for in-depth study of the discipline «Management Information Systems»] / V.K. Zol'nikov [i dr.] // Modelirovanie informacionnyh sistem i tehnologiy : sbornik materialov Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferencii. – Voronezh, 2022. – S. 120-129. – DOI: 10.58168/MIST2022_120-129.

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  • С. 84-92.

DOI: 10.12737/2219-0767-2024-17-1-92-102

V.P. Mochalov1, N.Y. Bratchenko1, D.V. Gosteva1

Algorithm for dynamic distribution and load balancing in distributed cloud computing
  • 1North Caucasus Federal University, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • A mathematical model and algorithm of a two-level load management system for virtual clusters of a data processing center (data center) have been developed. At the first management level, virtual machines (VMs) are assigned to physical servers. At the same time, a greedy algorithm is used with restrictions on the time of searching for acceptable load distribution alternatives. The second level of management is implemented taking into account the chaotic structure of network traffic between the data center and users. Checking for the randomness of a time series of information traffic is carried out using Lyapunov exponents. The predictive model of the load intensity is implemented using the method of phase space reconstruction based on a set of values of a one-dimensional time series. When constructing a reconstructed phase space attractor, the time delay value is selected from the condition of reaching the zero value of the autocorrelation function, and the dimension of the embedding is determined by the angle of inclination of the straight line approximating the dependence of the value of the correlation integral on the radius of a given threshold point. The Tayler window is used to exclude correlated points in the numerical series. The criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of the developed algorithm is an integral indicator of the deviation of the load of each server from a given level. The proposed model can be used to build a data center load balancing system in conditions of its nonlinear nature.
  • Ключевые слова — Data processing center, load distribution and balancing, irregular time series, forecasting, nonlinear dynamics.

  • [1] Bratchenko, N.Yu. Dinamicheskiy metod balansirovki nagruzki centrov obrabotki dannyh s uchetom fraktal'nyh svoystv setevogo trafika / N.Yu. Bratchenko, G.I. Linec, V.P. Mochalov // Sovremennaya nauka i innovacii. – 2021. – № 4 (36). – S. 50-59.

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    [17] Chistova, N.A. Metody opredeleniya dinamicheskogo raspredeleniya tochek predostavleniya uslug i prognozirovaniya trafika dlya setey svyazi s ul'tramalymi zaderzhkami / N.A. Chistova // Elektrosvyaz'. – 2020. – № 12. – S. 32-36.

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  • С. 92-102.

DOI: 10.12737/2219-0767-2024-17-1-102-111

A.V. Poluektov1, K.V. Zolnikov1, A.V. Achkasov1, Yu.A. Chevychelov1

Increasing formalization of tasks of verification of topology and electrical diagram for CAD-CAM design systems
  • 1Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov

  • The article discusses the study of methods for checking the conformity of the topology and electrical circuit in electronic devices. The authors present a new approach to the analysis and verification of topological structure taking into account electrical characteristics, which leads to increased formalization of problems and provides better optimization of interaction between a person and a computer CAD system. The study includes an analysis of modern methods and tools used in the electronic device design process, and also proposes innovative approaches to ensure consistency between topology and electrical functionality. LVS verification of the project using Caliber, xRC extraction of the project, physical verification of the project using CAD software Cadence Physical Verification System (PVS), LVS verification of the project using PVS are performed. Presents a detailed analysis of the integrated circuit verification process performed using modern CAD tools. The work examines the key stages of verification, including LVS verification of the project using the Caliber tool, xRC extraction of the project, as well as physical verification of the project using the Cadence Physical Verification System (PVS). Particular attention is paid to LVS checks, which are an important design step to ensure compliance with the topology and electrical design. The features of using Caliber to perform LVS checks are discussed, as well as the xRC extraction process to extract parameters of resistors and capacitors. For physical verification of the project, the capabilities of Cadence PVS were used, which provides analysis of compliance of the physical implementation of the circuit with the specified rules. The results obtained and the experience presented in the article can be useful for engineers and researchers involved in the design of integrated circuits, as well as for those interested in the application of modern CAD tools in the field of verification and validation of electronic devices.
  • Ключевые слова — LVS project verification, xRC project extraction, physical project verification, Cadence Physical Verification System, LVS project verification, Caliber, artificial intelligence.

  • [1] Sozdanie povedencheskoy modeli LDMOS tranzistora na osnove iskusstvennoy MLP neyroseti i ee opisanie na yazyke Verilog-A [Creation of a behavioral model of an LDMOS transistor based on an artificial MLP neural network and its description in the Verilog-A language] / S.A. Pobeda, M.I. Chernyh, F.V. Makarenko, K.V. Zol'nikov // Modelirovanie sistem i processov. – 2021. – T. 14, № 2. – S. 28-34. – DOI: 10.12737/2219-0767-2021-14-2-28-34.

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  • С. 102-111.

DOI: 10.12737/2219-0767-2024-17-1-111-120

S.A. Sazonova1, I.V. Shcherbakova2, G.I. Smetankina3

Modeling the process of diagnosing leaks based on a two-alternative hypothesis, taking into account interference from stochastic consumption in a hydraulic system
  • 1Voronezh State Technical University, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    2Voronezh State Forestry Engineering University named after G.F. Morozov, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    3Moscow International University, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Let's consider mathematical models and methods for diagnosing leaks in hydraulic pipeline systems. As part of the task, two subtasks can be distinguished: identifying the fact of a leak based on the use of a two-alternative hypothesis, as well as mathematical models for determining the location and size of the leak. The task of determining the location and size of the leak has been investigated in sufficient detail. Attention in this work is paid to the development of algorithms for diagnosing hydraulic systems for the presence or absence of leakage. It is proposed to solve both problems as a complex problem of leak diagnostics for hydraulic pipeline systems. The software created based on the results of the research can be used for automated control and monitoring of hydraulic systems. Based on the collected data on the parameters of the hydraulic system, such as pressure, consumption of the target product, etc., a model can be created that can include probability distributions, expected values for parameter variations. The solution to the specific problem of leak detection may vary depending on the type of hydraulic system. The main focus of this work is on leak detection based on a two-alternative hypothesis to determine the existence of a leak in a hydraulic system, taking into account the noise generated by the random selection of the target product by consumption. Leaks are classified as natural, resulting from emergency situations, and leaks also include unsanctioned selections of the target product.
  • Ключевые слова — Hydraulic systems, leakage diagnosis algorithm, the fact of leakage, stochasticity of consumption of the target product, filtering of the leakage signal against the background of consumer noise, two-alternative hypothesis, mathematical models.

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  • С. 111-120.

DOI: 10.12737/2219-0767-2024-17-1-120-128

A.V. Skrypnikov1, I.A. Vysotskaya1, S.A. Evdokimova2, V.V. Zinovieva1, O.S. Nikulcheva1, O.G. Stukalo1

Selecting an optimality criterion when making management decisions in complex technical systems
  • 1Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    2Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov

  • Criteria for the optimality of a management decision make it possible to predict possible options for solving a problem, analyze the influence of various factors and optimize the operation of the system. An effective management decision implies the choice of an option for solving a given problem that corresponds to the best achievement of the goal, in terms of initial information about the problem. Automating the search for multiple valid management decisions can significantly speed up the design process and provide more effective interaction between humans and systems. The use of a rational optimality criterion, taking into account the various stages of the system’s operation, will help to select optimal management decisions and achieve the goals of the project. Thus, the correct choice of optimality criterion ensures an effective search for solutions and helps to determine the set of optimal solutions for the designed technical system. This in turn allows you to increase the efficiency and quality of the organization. The purpose of this work is to substantiate the choice of optimality criterion for a management decision when designing a complex system - a logging highway. An analysis of existing criteria was carried out. An optimality criterion has been proposed and justified, denoting the effect of the construction of a logging road, calculated over the period from the beginning of its construction to the start of the first major repair. A system for automated search for management decisions is described.
  • Ключевые слова — Optimality criterion, management decision, complex technical system, logging road, automated search for solutions.

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DOI: 10.12737/2219-0767-2024-17-1-129-136

A.V. Poluektov1, R.Yu. Medvedev1, K.V. Zolnikov1

Simulation of the influence of electromagnetic fields on microcircuits
  • 1Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov

  • The article examines the influence of electromagnetic fields on radiation effects in microcircuits, describes the influence of electromagnetic fields depending on the distance from the center of the explosion, and evaluates the degree of protection of microcircuits. Assessments of the impact of electromagnetic fields created by gamma radiation on CMOS microcircuits are considered, the physical process, a mathematical model of the occurrence of leakage current, charge loss, transistor switching speed and electronic mobility are described. The methods of protecting CMOS semiconductors from the effects of electromagnetic fields are considered: shielding, reducing the power and frequency of radiation, and compensation for the effects. Both the physical basis and the mathematical model of the parameters for shielding are considered: attenuation coefficient and shielding efficiency. The main method of protecting microcircuits from electromagnetic fields is determined using shielding, reducing the power and frequency of radiation, as well as compensating for exposure. The article describes the mathematical and algorithmic models on the basis of which a computer model was built to assess the impact of the electromagnetic field on CMOS semiconductors. The assessment of the reliability of the chip security assessment is based on a computer experiment built using a program written in the C# programming language. The result was data from an analysis of protection from the effects of an electromagnetic field on CMOS semiconductors for distances from the epicenter of the explosion at a distance of 10 to 100 km with a step of 10 km.
  • Ключевые слова — Modeling, computer simulation, model, C#, microcircuit, electromagnetic fields, CMOS semiconductors, radiation effects, shielding, power reduction, radiation frequency, impact compensation, attenuation coefficient, shielding efficiency.

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