O.V. Ermilina1, E.A. Aksenova2, A.D. Semenov1

Simulation of the electroerosion treatment process using neural networks
  • 1Penza State University, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • 2 Penza State Technological University

  • The paper provides formalization and construction of a model of the process of electrical discharge machining. When describing the process, a T-shaped equivalent circuit containing an RLC circuit was used. Determine the transfer function of the proposed substitution scheme. Also, a task is formulated and an algorithm for neural network parametric identification of a T-shaped equivalent circuit is proposed. The problem is posed and an algorithm is developed for neural network parametric identification of the equivalent circuit with a computational experiment, the formation of training samples on its basis, and the subsequent training of dynamic and static neural networks used in the identification problem. The process was simulated in Simulink, Matlab package. Acceptable coincidence of the calculated data with the experimental ones showed that the proposed model of electrical discharge machining reflects real electromagnetic processes occurring in the interelectrode gap.
  • Ключевые слова — EDM, modeling, interelectrode gap, material removal, productivity, interelectrode gap.

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I.V. Zhuravleva 1, E.A. Popova 1

Development of the technology of systems on a chip for a modern electronic component base ECB
  • 1 Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov

  • Without the creation of Russian technology for designing SoC, it is impossible to provide a modern level of VLSI development, both for defense and civil applications. This is in line with global development trends. Nevertheless, it is necessary to highlight only those essential processes that are most consistent with Russian realities and can help in solving specific problems of the defense industry and the economy as a whole at the lowest cost and in the shortest possible time. The most important element of the implementation of SoC technology is the organization of a single sign-on to locate the production of microcircuits based on this technology. This will allow to drastically reduce costs, to certify the system of complex functional blocks, to increase the reliability and sustainability of developments. Even in organizational terms, this will allow an organized firm (conditionally - Silicon Gate) to be included as a certified chip manufacturer in any contracts with MO. The article discusses the structuring of programs for the development of domestic technology of SoC systems on a chip, the coordination of the SoC area of developments and complex functional blocks, as well as their information support.
  • Ключевые слова — Chip, operability, test interval, multiple failures, parameters, simulation, cell sensitivity, efficiency, test methods.

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  • С. 12-20.

A.V. Zvyagintseva 1, S.A. Sazonova 1, I.N. Panteleev 1

Environmental measures to reduce air pollution on the territory of a specialized facility
  • 1 Voronezh State Technical University, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • A detailed narrowly focused survey was carried out on one of the three zones of the technological infrastructure of a specialized facility - a hangar for aircraft (LA). A general list of pollutants (SV) released into the atmosphere at the 2nd site - the hangar of a special facility was established. Generators – installations and constructs of polluting components on a specific area of stationary and mobile type, which operate at a special facility, are fixed in the selected sectors. In accordance with the nature of the released components and the nature of the emission source (stationary or mobile type), the 2nd site is divided into 4 sectors. The measurement by sectors was implemented and the concentration of emissions was calculated according to the recommended regulatory acts of the Russian Federation. Indications of the concentration of a number of substances above the regulated MPC for 2 sectors of the 2nd site for the energy and test site of the special facility have been established. In connection with the recorded results, techniques and procedures of organizational and technical regulations that contribute to minimizing the accumulation of pollutants (gases) of functioning aircraft engines are analyzed and recommended. A method of attenuation of near-Earth smoke at an interval of up to two meters from the surface where aircraft engines operate is proposed based on the analysis of environmental measures at specialized facilities. The method is based on a variation in the orientation of the outflow of gas flows from functioning aircraft engines during launch, taxiing, takeoff, landing, and passage of an aircraft (VS) along the airfield track.
  • Ключевые слова — Environmental audit, inventory, air environment, specialized facilities, hangar, pollution, surface concentration, emission sources, diesel generators, bench measuring systems.

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    [25] Air pollution with oil products in the area of railway tank stops / A.V. Zvyagintseva, A.S. Samofalova, S.A. Sazonova, V.V. Kulneva // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. - 2020. - P. 22076. - DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1679/2/022076.

    [26] Belokurov, V.P. Modeling passenger transportation processes using vehicles of various forms of ownership / V.P. Belokurov, S.V. Belokurov, V.K. Zolnikov // Transportation Research Procedia. - 2018. - P. 44-49. - DOI: 10.1016/j.trpro.2018.12.041.

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  • С. 21-28.

A.V. Zvyagintseva 1, A.S. Samofalova 1, 2, V.V. Kulneva 1

Basic numerical modeling for the implementation of measures to improve the environmental situation at facilities
  • 1 Voronezh state technical University

  • 2 Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov

  • The problems of the ecological situation in the Central Chernozem region at technosphere objects of strategic importance are considered. As a specific object, АО «Lebedinsky GOK» which is a favorite for the extraction of iron ore on Russian and world trading platforms. Effective industrial general technical preventive measures are recommended, focused on reducing the emission of dust particles during serial blasting of iron-containing rocks at a specific facility. The most effective preventive measures to minimize the concentration of dust and gases are considered. The application of the method of controlling the wetting and sticking of dust particles is shown. It is based on the use of solutions of surfactants (surfactants). An anionactive surfactant based on triethanolamine salts is recommended. The concentration of the surfactant is selected according to the value of the surface tension of the solution.
  • Ключевые слова — Sanitary protection zone, emissions, pollutants, dust suppression, surfactants, surface tension value.

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    [17] Zvyaginceva, A.V. Informacionno-analiticheskiy raschet i postroenie kart rasseivaniya zagryaznyayuschih veschestv pri stoyankah zheleznodorozhnyh cistern s nefteproduktami [Information and analytical calculation and mapping of the dispersion of pollutants at railway tank stations with petroleum products] / A.V. Zvyaginceva, A.S. Samofalova, V.V. Kul'neva // Modelirovanie sistem i processov. – 2020. – T. 13, № 2. – S. 22-32. – DOI: 10.12737/2219-0767-2020-13-2-22-32.

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    [19] Sistemy na kristalle (SnK) i vliyanie dannoy tehnologii na sozdanie sovremennoy EKB [Systems on a chip (SoC) and the impact of this technology on the creation of a modern ECB] / V.K. Zol'nikov, S.A. Evdokimova, M.Yu. Arzamascev, A.E. Gridnev // Modelirovanie sistem i processov. – 2020. – T. 13, № 4. – S. 19-23. – DOI: 10.12737/2219-0767-2021-13-4-19-23.

  • С. 29-34.

V.K. Zolnikov 1, F.V. Makarenko 1, I.V. Zhuravleva 1, E.A. Popova 1, Yu.V. Gridnev 1, L.A. Litvinova 1

Circuit engineering methods for ensuring ECB resistance to the effects of heavy charged particles
  • 1 Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov

  • The paper considers circuit engineering methods for protecting the electronic component base from the effects of heavy charged particles. One of the main methods is to increase the capacity of the device, which leads to an increase in the capacity of diffusion regions and a decrease in the frequency of single events. The structure of a capacitor is shown, which is connected to various nodes of the circuit to increase the sensitivity of the capacitance of the node. The article focuses on the method of using active RC circuits in the feedback circuit of a storage device cell. The advantages and disadvantages of the methods of using a storage device cell with internal redundancy are noted. The paper shows that the use of circuit engineering methods will provide the required level of fault and fault tolerance to the effects of heavy charged particles.
  • Ключевые слова — Electronic component base (ECB), heavy charged particles (HCP), durability, circuit engineering methods, fault tolerance, single events.

  • [1] Analiz problem modelirovaniya elementov KMOP BIS [Analysis of the problems of modeling elements of CMOS LSI] / V.K. Zol'nikov, S.A. Evdokimova, A.V. Fomichev [i dr.] // Modelirovanie sistem i processov. – 2018. – T. 11, № 4. – S. 20-25. – DOI: 10.12737/article_5c79642bd56f27.90584496.

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    [7] Shemotehnicheskie metody povysheniya radiacionnoy stoykosti otrazhateley toka operacionnyh usiliteley [Schematic techniques for radiation hardness improvement of current mirrors of operational amplifiers] / A.S. Rodin, A.S. Bakerenkov, V.A. Felicyn [i dr.] //Datchiki i sistemy. – 2016. – № 4 (202). – S. 73-76.

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    [17] Rezul'taty ocenki nadezhnosti mikroshemy 1921VK028 [Results of reliability evaluation of the 1921VK028 CHIP] / V.K. Zol'nikov, S.A. Evdokimova, E.V. Grosheva, A.I. Yan'kov // Modelirovanie sistem i processov. – 2019. – T. 12, № 4. – S. 37-41. – DOI: 10.12737/2219-0767-2020-12-4-37-41.

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    [25] Dement'ev, A.N. Razrabotka metodov pomehozaschischennosti radiotehnicheskih sistem putem realizacii tehnologii individual'nogo otbora i kvalifikacii radiacionno-stoykoy elektronnoy komponentnoy bazy na etape ee proizvodstva [Development of methods for noise immunity of radio engineering systems by implementing the technology of individual selection and qualification of the radiation-resistant electronic component base at the stage of its production] / A.N. Dement'ev // Fizika volnovyh processov i radiotehnicheskie sistemy. – 2018. – T. 21, № 3. – S. 129-137.

    [26] Metody obespecheniya stoykosti elektronnoy komponentnoy bazy k odinochnym sobytiyam putem rezervirovaniya [Methods for ensuring the stability of the electronic component base to single events by redundancy] / A.E. Kozyukov, V.K. Zol'nikov, S.A. Evdokimova [i dr.] // Modelirovanie sistem i processov. – 2021. – T. 14. № 1. – S. 10-16. – DOI: 10.12737/2219-0767-2021-14-1-10-16.

  • С. 35-42.

V.K. Zolnikov 1, A.S. Yagodkin 1, V.I. Antsiferova 1, S.A. Evdokimova 1, T.V. Skvortsova 1, E.V. Grosheva 1

Sensitivity analysis and test results of the electronic component base to the effects of heavy charged particles
  • 1 Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov

  • The work is devoted to the study of the sensitivity of the electronic component base (ECB) to the effects of heavy charged particles. At the same time, the degree of sensitivity is distinguished depending on the functional group of ECB products to the effects of ionization radiation from outer space and on the design and technological design of ECB products. The paper presents the characteristics and conditions for the use of ECB in the radio-electronic equipment of outer space to ensure minimal sensitivity to the effects of ionization radiation and to the thyristor effect. After the sensitivity analysis of ECB products is carried out, a preliminary selection of ECB is performed, requiring testing. The article discusses the criteria for determining the ECB that requires testing and is possible to use without testing. The methods of increasing the durability of radio-electronic equipment of space equipment and the directions of optimization of the methodology of analysis of ECB lists are determined.
  • Ключевые слова — Electronic component base (ECB), heavy charged particles (HCP), ionization radiation (IR), outer space (OS), tests, radiation resistance.

  • [1] Useinov, R.G. Metodika raschetno-eksperimental'noy ocenki parametrov chuvstvitel'nosti EKB k effektam odinochnyh sobytiy pri vozdeystvii neytronov po rezul'tatam eksperimentov na TZCh i VEP [The method of computational and experimental evaluation of ECB sensitivity parameters to the effects of single events under the influence of neutrons based on the results of experiments on TCH and VEP] / R.G. Useinov, A.S. Vatuev // Radiacionnaya stoykost' elektronnyh sistem "Stoykost'-2021" : sbornik trudov 24-y Vserossiyskoy nauchno-tehnicheskoy konferencii : nauchno-tehnicheskiy sbornik. - Lytkarino, 2021. - S. 55-56.

    [2] On analysis of the electromagnetic resistance of radioelectronic devices under impulse radiation / Y.P. Lonin, A.G. Ponomaryov, V.I. Chumakov // Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. – 2018. – T. 115(3). - Pp. 45-48.

    [3] Analysis of metrological provision problems of a test stand for testing radio-electronic products for resistance to irradiation with high-energy heavy ions / A.V. Butenko, E.M. Syresin, S.I. Tyutyunnikov [et al.] // Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters. – 2019. – T. 16(6). – Pp. 734-743. – DOI: 10.1134/S1547477119060098.

    [4] Belyaeva, T.P. Metody podderzhki prinyatiya resheniy v chasti ocenki dostatochnosti trebovaniy tehnicheskogo zadaniya k mikroelektronnym komponentam i vozmozhnosti ih realizacii otechestvennymi predpriyatiyami elektronnoy promyshlennosti [Methods for decision support in assessing the requirements of specification adequacy for microelectronic components and their possible implementation of the electronic industry domestic enterprises] / T.P. Belyaeva, V.K. Zol'nikov // Politematicheskiy setevoy elektronnyy nauchnyy zhurnal Kubanskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo universiteta. - 2012. - № 75. - S. 431-442.

    [5] Sistemy na kristalle (SNK) i vliyanie dannoy tehnologii na sozdanie sovremennoy EKB [Systems on a chip (SOC) and the impact of this technology on the creation of a modern ECB] / V.K. Zol'nikov, S.A. Evdokimova, M.Yu. Arzamascev, A.E. Gridnev // Modelirovanie sistem i processov. - 2020. - T. 13, № 4. - S. 19-23. - DOI: 10.12737/2219-0767-2021-13-4-19-23.

    [6] Sklyar, V.A. Modelirovanie nizkointensivnogo vozdeystviya kosmicheskogo prostranstva [Modeling of low-intensive influence of space] / V.A. Sklyar, V.K. Zol'nikov, S.A. Evdokimova // Modelirovanie sistem i processov. - 2016. - T. 9, № 2. - S. 71-74. - DOI: 10.12737/23663.

    [7] Estimation of heavy ion beam parameters during single event effects testing / V.S. Anashin, P.A. Chubunov, G.A. Protopopov [et al.] // Proceedings of the 6th International Beam Instrumentation Conference, IBIC 2017. - 2017. - S. 94-97. - DOI: 10.18429/JACoW-IBIC2017-MOPCF10.

    [8] Zol'nikov, V.K. Matematicheskoe obespechenie ucheta impul'snogo izlucheniya v SAPR skvoznogo proektirovaniya SBIS [Mathematical support of pulse radiation accounting in CAD of end-to-end VLSI design] / V.K. Zol'nikov // Sistemy upravleniya i informacionnye tehnologii. - 2009. - № 1-2 (35). - S. 242-244.

    [9] Platforma dlya proektirovaniya radiacionno-stoykih SNK kosmicheskogo primeneniya DARE65T [DARE65T radiation-hardened space soc design platform] / M. Kakoulin, S. Redant, G. Tes [i dr.] // Elektronika: Nauka, tehnologiya, biznes. - 2018. - № 8 (179). - S. 122-128. - DOI: 10.22184/1992-4178.2018.

    [10] Belyaeva, T.P. Upravlenie predpriyatiem na osnove sovremennyh IPI-tehnologiy [Enterprise management based on modern IPI technologies] / T.P. Belyaeva // Modelirovanie sistem i processov. – 2010. – № 1-2. – S. 13-18.

    [11] Introduction of rapid prototyping in solving applied problems in production / V.A. Brykin, A.P. Voroshilin, P.A. Uhov, A.V. Ripetskiy // Periodico Tche Quimica. - 2020. -T. 17, № 35. - Pp. 354-366.

    [12] Osobennosti eksperimental'nyh metodov issledovaniya mikroshem pamyati s pomehoustoychivym kodirovaniem dannyh [Features of experimental research methods for memory with error correction] / A.B. Boruzdina, M.S. Temirbulatov, A.A. Pechenkin [i dr.] // Problemy razrabotki perspektivnyh mikro- i nanoelektronnyh sistem (MES). - 2016. - № 4. - S. 184-189.

    [13] Osobennosti tehnologicheskogo processa izgotovleniya mikroshem kosmicheskogo naznacheniya po tehnologii KMOP KNS [Features of the technological process of manufacturing space-based microchips using CMOS KNS technology] / V.K. Zol'nikov, S.A. Evdokimova, I.V. Zhuravleva [i dr.] // Modelirovanie sistem i processov. - 2020. - T. 13, № 3. - S. 53-58. - DOI: 10.12737/2219-0767-2020-13-3-53-58.

    [14] Sintez analogovoy EKB, ustoychivoy k VVF: arhitekturnye, strukturnye, shematicheskie resheniya [Synthesis of analog ECB resistant to VVF: architectural, structural, schematic solutions] / A.A. Lebedev, V.A. Komleva, N.M. Klokov [i dr.] // Trudy nauchno-issledovatel'skogo instituta sistemnyh issledovaniy Rossiyskoy akademii nauk. - 2017. - T. 7, № 2. - S. 118-119.

    [15] Balbekov, A.O. Metodiki modelirovaniya vozdeystviya TZCh na IS v marshrute proektirovaniya [A design flow compatible simulation techniques for the heavy ion impact on the integrated circuit] / A.O. Balbekov, M.S. Gorbunov // Trudy nauchno-issledovatel'skogo instituta sistemnyh issledovaniy Rossiyskoy akademii nauk. - 2020. - T. 10, № 4. - S. 4-13. - DOI: 10.25682/NIISI.2020.4.0001.

    [16] Belyaeva, T.P. Integrirovannaya sreda upravleniya proizvodstvennymi processami na osnove IPI-tehnologiy [Integrated production process management environment based on IPI technologies] / T.P. Belyaeva // Modelirovanie sistem i processov. - 2010. - № 1-2. - S. 18-23.

    [17] Radiation-resistant optical cable for space technology objects / I.S. Ignatikov, I.A. Ovchinnikova, I.B. Peshkov [et al.] // 2020 Systems of Signals Generating and Processing in the Field of on Board Communications. – C. 9078596. – DOI: 10.1109/IEEECONF48371.2020.9078596.

    [18] Tel'puhov, D.V. Issledovanie i razrabotka avtomatizirovannyh sredstv modelirovaniya sluchaynyh sboev v sovremennyh kombinacionnyh KMOP IMS [Study and design of automated tools for simulation of soft errors in modern combinational CMOS IC] / D.V. Tel'puhov, A.I. Demeneva, V.V. Nadolenko // Izvestiya YuFU. Tehnicheskie nauki. - 2019. - № 4 (206). - S. 207-219. - DOI: 10.23683/2311-3103-2019-4-207-219.

    [19] Analiz problem modelirovaniya elementov KMOP BIS [Analysis of the problems of modeling elements of CMOS LSI] / V.K. Zol'nikov, S.A. Evdokimova, A.V. Fomichev [i dr.] // Modelirovanie sistem i processov. – 2018. – T. 11, № 4. – S. 20-25. – DOI: 10.12737/article_5c79642bd56f27.90584496.

    [20] Metody obespecheniya stoykosti elektronnoy komponentnoy bazy k odinochnym sobytiyam putem rezervirovaniya [Methods for ensuring the stability of the electronic component base to single events by redundancy] / A.E. Kozyukov, V.K. Zol'nikov, S.A. Evdokimova [i dr.] // Modelirovanie sistem i processov. – 2021. – T. 14. № 1. – S. 10-16. – DOI: 10.12737/2219-0767-2021-14-1-10-16.

    [21] Space radiation effects in electronics / L. Dilillo, A. Bosser, A. Javanainen, A. Virtanen // Rad-hard Semiconductor Memories. – 2018. - Pp. 1-64.

    [22] Rezul'taty ocenki nadezhnosti mikroshemy 1921VK035 [Results of reliability evaluation of the 1921VK035 chip] / V.K. Zol'nikov, S.A. Evdokimova, E.V. Grosheva, A.I. Yan'kov // Modelirovanie sistem i processov. - 2019. - T. 12, № 4. - S. 42-46. - DOI: 10.12737/2219-0767-2020-12-4-42-46.

    [23] Chumakov, A.I. Lazernaya metodika ocenki parametrov chuvstvitel'nosti BIS k effektam vozdeystviya otdel'nyh zaryazhennyh chastic [Laser method of evaluating parameters of LSI sensitivity to the impact of single ions] / A.I. Chumakov // Mikroelektronika. - 2018. - T. 47, № 3. - S. 198-204. - DOI: 10.7868/S0544126918030031.

  • С. 43-51.

A.N. Zolnikova 1, S.A. Evdokimova 2, O.V. Aksyuta 2, N.V. Panina 2, M.V. Solodilov 2

Methods for detecting and correcting errors in irregular structures under the influence of heavy charged particles
  • 1 Scientific research institute electronic engineering

    2 Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov

  • The paper considers methods of increasing the durability of radio-electronic equipment in space, namely, methods of detecting and correcting errors during the action of the TCH. Currently, redundancy methods are used to ensure durability, when two or three processors work in parallel in the system, and a special node compares the results of their work. If the results do not match, an error signal will be generated, and the system will begin to perform actions to correct it. The article describes and classifies the main circuit, structural-functional, algorithmic methods for detecting and correcting errors. It is shown that circuit solutions lead to an increase in the crystal area. Therefore, the problem arises of ensuring radiation resistance with a minimum increase in the crystal area.
  • Ключевые слова — Electronic component base (ECB), irregular structures, heavy charged particles (HCP), circuit engineering methods, redundancy methods, durability.

  • [1] Metody obespecheniya stoykosti elektronnoy komponentnoy bazy k odinochnym sobytiyam putem rezervirovaniya [Methods for ensuring the stability of the electronic component base to single events by redundancy] / A.E. Kozyukov, V.K. Zol'nikov, S.A. Evdokimova [i dr.] // Modelirovanie sistem i processov. - 2021. - T. 14, № 1. - S. 10-16. - DOI: 10.12737/2219-0767-2021-14-1-10-16.

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    [3] Metodologiya ocenki nadezhnosti kosmicheskih apparatov pri proektnoy i konstruktorskoy prorabotke [Methodology for assessing the reliability of spacecraft during design and engineering study] / V.Ya. Gecha, R.N. Barbul, N.I. Sidnyaev, Yu.I. Butenko // Nadezhnost'. - 2019. - T. 19, № 2 (69). - S. 3-8.

    [4] Belyaeva, T.P. Model' optimal'nogo planirovaniya proektov sozdaniya izdeliy mikroelektroniki proektov [Model of optimal project planning for the creation of microelectronics products projects] / T.P. Belyaeva, A.P. Zatvornickiy // Programmnye produkty i sistemy. - 2011. - № 2. - S. 61-64.

    [5] Razrabotka sredstv avtomatizacii proektirovaniya specializirovannyh mikroshem dlya upravlyayuschih vychislitel'nyh kompleksov dvoynogo naznacheniya : monograyaiya [Development of automation tools for the design of specialized microcircuits for dual-purpose control computing systems] / V.N. Achkasov, V.M. Antimirov, V.E. Mezhov, V.K. Zol'nikov. - Voronezh, 2005. – 240 s.

    [6] Valinataj, M. Enhanced multiple-error resilient carry look-ahead adders through new customized fault-tolerant voters / M. Valinataj // Microelectronics Reliability. – 2019. – T. 96. – Pp. 7-20. – DOI: 10.1016/j.microrel.2019.03.003.

    [7] Zol'nikov, V.K. Matematicheskoe obespechenie ucheta impul'snogo izlucheniya v SAPR skvoznogo proektirovaniya SBIS [Mathematical support of pulse radiation accounting in CAD of end-to-end VLSI design] / V.K. Zol'nikov // Sistemy upravleniya i informacionnye tehnologii. - 2009. - № 1-2 (35). - S. 242-244.

    [8] Analiz problem modelirovaniya elementov KMOP BIS [Analysis of the problems of modeling elements of CMOS LSI] / V.K. Zol'nikov, S.A. Evdokimova, A.V. Fomichev [i dr.] // Modelirovanie sistem i processov. – 2018. – T. 11, № 4. – S. 20-25. – DOI: 10.12737/article_5c79642bd56f27.90584496.

    [9] Zol'nikov, V.K. Razrabotka shemotehnicheskogo i konstruktivno-tehnologicheskogo bazisa EKB [Development of the circuit and structural and technological basis of the ECB] / V.K. Zol'nikov, A.A. Stoyanov // Modelirovanie sistem i processov. – 2011. – № 1-2. –S. 28-30.

    [10] BinTalib, G.H. Hybrid and double modular redundancy (DMR)-based fault-tolerant carry look-ahead adder design / G.H. BinTalib, A.H. El-Maleh // Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering. – 2021. – T. 46(9). – Pp. 8969-8981. – DOI: 10.1007/s13369-021-05708-2.

    [11] Design and test of a separation system for Chang'e-5 orbiter / Z. Yu, J. Wang, M. Yang [et al.] // Zhongguo Kexue Jishu Kexue/Scientia Sinica Technologica. - 2021. – T. 51(8). – Pp. 898-911. – DOI: 10.1360/SST-2021-0098.

    [12] Metody obespecheniya stoykosti elektronnoy komponentnoy bazy v chasti obratimyh odinochnyh sobytiy [Methods for ensuring the stability of the electronic component base in terms of reversible single events] / A.E. Kozyukov, G.A. Raspopov, A.I. Yan'kov [i dr.] // Modelirovanie sistem i processov. – 2021.- T. 14, № 1. - S. 27-32. - DOI: 10.12737/2219-0767-2021-14-1-27-32.

    [13] Skobelev, A.N. Raschet plotnosti potoka teplovyh neytronov v radiacionnoy zaschite po programme Frigate s primeneniem metoda submodelirovaniya [Calculation of thermal neutron flux in radiation shielding by program Frigate with using a submodelling method] / A.N. Skobelev, A.A. Nikolaev // Voprosy atomnoy nauki i tehniki. Seriya: Yaderno-reaktornye konstanty. - 2020. - № 1. - S. 50-58.

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    [16] Sostoyanie razrabotok elementnoy bazy dlya sistem svyazi i upravleniya [State development components for communication and control systems] / V.K. Zol'nikov, A.Yu. Kulay, V.P. Kryukov, S.A. Evdokimova // Modelirovanie sistem i processov. – 2016. – T. 9, № 4. – S. 11-13. – DOI: 10.12737/24575.

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    [20] Informacionnaya uyazvimost' EKB [Information vulnerability of electronic components] / A.O. Gasnikov, M.I. Ershov, V.V. Luchinin, V.V. Trushlyakova // Nano- i mikrosistemnaya tehnika. - 2019. - T. 21, № 2. - S. 120-128. -DOI: 10.17587/nmst.21.120-128.

  • С. 51-58.

A.E. Kozyukov 1, N.G. Gamzatov 2, S.V. Grechany 3, K.V. Zolnikov 3, I.I. Strukov 3, A.V. Achkasov 3

General approaches to assessing the resistance to the effects of ionizing radiation of outer space for foreign electronic component base of development enterprises
  • 1 Research Institute of Space Device Engineering

    2 Scientific research institute «Submicron»

    3 Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov

  • The analysis of information on the stability of the electronic component base (ECB) in the development of radio-electronic equipment (REE) of spacecraft (spacecraft) is an important and urgent task. The paper considers the main components of the approaches of foreign organizations developing radio space technology to ensure its radiation resistance. The design approaches of Thales Alenia Space, Airbus Defense and Space, and the European Space Agency are presented. The article outlines the main directions for optimizing the procedures for the preliminary selection of ECB, which consist in ensuring the required resistance of REE SC at the ECB level with ensuring the reliability of data on durability, in minimizing the costs of applying resistance enhancement measures (through the use of a promising ECB with increased resistance characteristics), to replace ECB.
  • Ключевые слова — Electronic component base (ECB), heavy charged particles (HCP), ionization radiation (IR), outer space (OS), tests, radiation resistance.

  • [1] Sklyar, V.A. Modelirovanie nizkointensivnogo vozdeystviya kosmicheskogo prostranstva [Modeling of low-intensive influence of space] / V.A. Sklyar, V.K. Zol'nikov, S.A. Evdokimova // Modelirovanie sistem i processov. - 2016. - T. 9, № 2. - S. 71-74. - DOI: 10.12737/23663.

    [2] Sostoyanie razrabotok elementnoy bazy dlya sistem svyazi i upravleniya [State development components for communication and control systems] / V.K. Zol'nikov, A.Yu. Kulay, V.P. Kryukov, S.A. Evdokimova // Modelirovanie sistem i processov. – 2016. – T. 9, № 4. – S. 11-13. – DOI: 10.12737/24575.

    [3] Metody obespecheniya stoykosti elektronnoy komponentnoy bazy k odinochnym sobytiyam putem rezervirovaniya [Methods for ensuring the stability of the electronic component base to single events by redundancy] / A.E. Kozyukov, V.K. Zol'nikov, S.A. Evdokimova [i dr.] // Modelirovanie sistem i processov. – 2021. – T. 14. № 1. – S. 10-16. – DOI: 10.12737/2219-0767-2021-14-1-10-16.

    [4] Zol'nikov, V.K. Metodika proektirovaniya radiacionno-stoykih integral'nyh shem [Methods of designing radiation-resistant integrated circuits] / V.K. Zol'nikov, V.N. Achkasov, V.P. Kryukov // Voprosy atomnoy nauki i tehniki. Seriya: Fizika radiacionnogo vozdeystviya na radioelektronnuyu apparaturu. – 2004. – № 1-2. – S. 57-60.

    [5] Ushakov, P.A. Issledovanie radiacionnoy stoykosti mikroshem serii ADG4XX k vozdeystviyu ioniziruyuschego izlucheniya po effektam pogloschennoy dozy [Research of ADG4XX series integrated microcircuits radiation hardness regarding total ionizing dose effects] / P.A. Ushakov, K.O. Maksimov, A.A. Dedyuhin // Vestnik IzhGTU imeni M.T. Kalashnikova. - 2019. - T. 22, № 4. - S. 73-82. - DOI: 10.22213/2413-1172-2019-4-73-82.

    [6] Seleckiy, A.V. Proektirovanie i razrabotka elementov KMOP SBIS, prednaznachennyh dlya funkcionirovaniya v usloviyah vozdeystviya kosmicheskih ioniziruyuschih izlucheniy [Design and development elements of CMOS VLSI destined to function in conditions of exposure to cosmic ionizing radiations] / A.V. Seleckiy, N.A. Shelepin // Elektronnaya tehnika. Seriya 3: Mikroelektronika. - 2016. - № 2 (162). - S. 39-45.

    [7] Razrabotka sredstv avtomatizacii proektirovaniya specializirovannyh mikroshem dlya upravlyayuschih vychislitel'nyh kompleksov dvoynogo naznacheniya : monografiya [Development of automation tools for the design of specialized microcircuits for dual-purpose control computing systems] / V.N. Achkasov, V.M. Antimirov, V.E. Mezhov, V.K. Zol'nikov. - Voronezh, 2005. – 240 s.

    [8] Osobennosti tehnologicheskogo processa izgotovleniya mikroshem kosmicheskogo naznacheniya po tehnologii KMOP KNS [Features of the technological process of manufacturing space-based microchips using CMOS KNS technology] / V.K. Zol'nikov, S.A. Evdokimova, I.V. Zhuravleva [i dr.] // Modelirovanie sistem i processov. - 2020. - T. 13, № 3. - S. 53-58. - DOI: 10.12737/2219-0767-2020-13-3-53-58.

    [9] A study of a rover wheel for martian explorations, based on a flexible multibody approach / S. Sivo, F. Mocera, A. Somà, A. Stio // Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of Multi-body Dynamics. - 2020. - T. 234, № 2. – Pp. 306-321. - DOI: 10.1177/1464419319893489.

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    [20] Kontrol' kachestva funkcionirovaniya bortovoy apparatury kosmicheskogo apparata pri vozdeystvii izlucheniya dvigatel'noy ustanovki [Quality control of the spacecraft onboard equipment functioning under the impact of the propulsion system radiation] / A.N. Dement'ev, A.V. Bannikov, K.V. Arsen'ev [i dr.] // Trudy MAI. - 2021. - № 118. – S. 20. - DOI: 10.34759/trd-2021-118-20.

  • С. 58-66.

A.A. Minakov1, S.D. Nikolenko1, S.A. Sazonova1

Analysis of the condition of apartment buildings
  • 1 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education«Voronezh State Technical University», This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • These technical conditions of multi-apartment buildings are a huge digital array for making important management decisions both within the boundaries of individual territories of the municipality, and for planning budget expenditures within the municipality, the subject of the federation and the country as a whole. Aspects of the formation of data on apartment buildings in various information systems are considered. The basics of ensuring the reliability of the presented data are considered. It is noted in the work that for many years, during the transition from a planned economy to a market economy, the requirements of technical regulations and normative documents for the maintenance and operation of apartment buildings are not fully complied with by the operating organizations. The deadlines for replacing systems and equipment that have worked out the deadline are not met. It is noted that federal legislators and the Government of the Russian Federation have not determined a general procedure for monitoring the technical condition of apartment buildings and have not formed a general approach to assessing their technical condition, the obligation of owners of premises of apartment buildings to finance these works, their frequency has not been determined. It was revealed that the data obtained during the monitoring of the technical condition of apartment buildings combined in federal and regional information systems would be an objective marker in the formation of state and municipal programs in the field of reducing the housing stock unsuitable for living. financing of monitoring.
  • Ключевые слова — Apartment buildings, technical condition, analysis, housing stock, Voronezh region, technical condition monitoring, management.

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  • С. 67-75.

T.P. Novikova 1, S.A. Evdokimova 1, A.I. Novikov 1

R&D of the PERT basic model for project planning
  • 1 Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • The guiding principles of project implementation are planning. The discrepancy in time, cost, and quality between the plan and the actual implementation of the project requires management decisions supported by an analysis of the optimization of the duration of the project and the search for reserves to reduce the implementation time. For this purpose, a basic PERT model for a specific project was developed, early and late deadlines for work, time reserves, and a critical path were calculated. This work is aimed at applying methods of evaluation and analysis of projects to find optimal solutions and control the efficiency of time and costs in project planning, by varying the work on the project and the executors of the work. The results of this study showed that there are quite large time reserves for works 5-7, 7-9, 6-9, etc., which makes it possible to redistribute work between performers and allows you to vary performers during the implementation of several projects simultaneously.
  • Ключевые слова — PERT, network model, planning, backup time, critical path.

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    [25] Sokolov, S.V. Suboptimal'noe stohasticheskoe upravlenie v differencial'noy igre / S.V. Sokolov // Problemy upravleniya i informatiki. – 2002. - № 2. - S. 34-44.

  • С. 75-81.

S.I. Polyakov 1, V.I. Akimov 2, A.V. Polukazakov 2

Cascade control of «smart home» heating
  • 1 Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    2 Voronezh State Technical University, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • The article discusses the issues of implementing the conversion of input signals of «smart» sensors for automation of the heating system, an algorithm for calculating the parameters of measuring circuits with a nonlinear element and an operational amplifier is developed. The issues of modeling cascade control of residential building heating systems are investigated. The results of the analysis and selection of parameters of the cascade control system are presented. An algorithm implementing the operation of a virtual object is given. The structures of management of residential building objects are proposed. The method of calculating the adjustment of the controller for cascade control is given. For the heating system stand, the procedure for setting the parameters of the process of PID control of the coolant temperature is considered. The results confirming the achievability of the proposed structural changes are obtained. The results of experimental studies are presented.
  • Ключевые слова — Linear law, «smart» sensor, measuring range, modeling, cascade control, virtual object.

  • [1] Hadlston, K. Proektirovanie intellektual'nyh datchikov s pomosch'yu MicroChip dsPIC [Designing intelligent sensors using MicroChip dsPIC] / K. Hadlston. – K : MK Press, 2008. – 320 s.

    [2] Gorshkov, B.L. Metody prakticheskogo konstruirovaniya pri normirovanii signalov s datchikov [Methods of practical design when normalizing signals from sensors] / B.L. Gorshkov, V.I. Selat'ev. – M., 2010. – 311 s.

    [3] Pupkov, K.A. Sovremennye metody, modeli i algoritmy intellektual'nyh system [Modern methods, models and algorithms of intelligent systems] / K.A. Pupkov. – M., 2008. – 154 s.

    [4] Shatkov, A.P. Razrabotka intellektual'nogo datchika uglovoy skorosti [Development of an intelligent angular velocity sensor] / A.P. Shatkov. – Vologda, 2007. – 110 s.

    [5] Herniter, M.E. MultiSim7 sovremennaya sistema komp'yuternogo modelirovaniya i analiza shem elektronnyh ustroystv [MultiSim 7 is a modern system of computer modeling and analysis of electronic device circuits] / M.E. Herniter. – M., 2010. – 494 s.

    [6] Dzhekson, R.G. Noveyshie datchiki [Latest sensors] / R.G. Dzhekson. – M.: Tehnosfera, 2007. – 387 s.

    [7] Harke, V.N. Umnyy dom. Ob'edinenie v set' bytovoy tehniki i sistem kommunikaciy v zhilischnom stroitel'stve [Smart home. Networking of household appliances and communication systems in housing construction] / V.N. Harke. – M.: Tehnosfera, 2006. – 292 s.

    [8] Briere, D. Smart homes for dummies / D. Briere, P. Hurley. Hoboken. – Wiley Publishing, Inc. 2007. – 313 p.

    [9] Wells, Q. Guide to digital home technology integration / Q. Wells. – Delmar : Cengage Learning, 2009. – 544 p.

    [10] Lysenko, E.V. Proektirovanie avtomatizirovannyh sistem upravleniya tehnologicheskimi processami [Design of automated process control systems] / E.V. Lysenko. – M. : Radio i svyaz', 2007. – 129 s.

    [11] Elsenpiter, T.R. Umnyy Dom stroim sami [We build a smart house ourselves] / T.R. Elsenpiter, Dzh. Velt / M. : KUDIC-OBRAZ, 2005. – 384s.

    [12] Gololobov, V.N. «Umnyy dom» svoimi rukami ["Smart home" with your own hands] / V.N. Gololobov. – M. : NT Press, 2007. – 416 s.

    [13] Tehnicheskie sredstva avtomatizacii. Programmno-tehnicheskie kompleksy i kontrollery [Technical means of automation. Software and hardware complexes and controllers] : uchebnoe posobie / I.A. Elizarov, Yu.F. Martem'yanov, A.T. Shirtladze, S.V. Frolov. – M. : Mashinostroenie, 2004. – 180s.

    [14] Teslya, E.A. «Umnyy dom» svoimi rukami. Stroim intellektual'nuyu cifrovuyu sistemu v svoey kvartire ["Smart home" with your own hands. We are building an intelligent digital system in our apartment] / E.A. Teslya. – Sankt Peterburg, 2008. – 224 s.

    [15] Knyaginin, V.N. Umnye sredy, umnye proizvodstva: Promyshlennyy i tehnologicheskiy forsayt Rossiyskoy Federacii na dolgosrochnuyu perspektivu [Smart environments, smart productions: Industrial and technological foresight of the Russian Federation for the long term] / V.N. Knyaginin. – CSR North-West, 2013.

    [16] Chernikov, B.V. Informacionnye tehnologii upravleniya [Information management technologies] / B.V. Chernikov. – M. : Infra-M, 2008. – 352s.

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    [19] Ernest, A.-G. Community-based optimal scheduling of smart home appliances / A.-G. Ernest. – M. : LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2013. – 414 p.

    [20] Polyakov, S.I. Proektirovanie sistem upravleniya [Design of control systems] : uchebnoe posobie / S.I. Polyakov, N.P. Zuykin. – Voronezh, 2001. – 133 s.

    [21] Akimov, V.I. Software life management systems for «smart» residential houses / V.I. Akimov, S.I. Polyakov, A.V. Polukazakov // 2020 International Russian Automation Conference (RusAutoCon). – Sochi, 2020. – Pp. 267-272. – DOI: 10.1109/RusAutoCon49822.2020.9208215.

    [22] Polyaov, S.I. Modelirovanie sistemy upravleniya otopleniem «umnogo» zhilogo doma [Simulation of the heating control system of a smart apartment building] / S.I. Polyakov, V.I. Akimov, A.V. Polukazakov // Modelirovanie sistem i processov. – 2020. – T. 13, № 1. – S. 68-76. – DOI: 10.12737/2219-0767-2020-13-1-68-76.

    [23] Development and research of a "Smart Home" heating control system / V.I. Akimov, E.N. Desyatirikova, A.V. Polukazakov [et al.] // 2020 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EIConRus). – 2020. – Pp. 574-580. – DOI: 10.1109/EIConRus49466.2020.9039541.

    [24] Polyakov, S.I. Avtomaticheskoe upravlenie processami dozirovaniya sypuchih materialov: monografiya [Automatic control of bulk material dosing processes] / S.I. Polyakov. – Voronezh, 2019. – 180 s.

    [25] Akimov, V.I. Design and development of cascade heating control for a «Smart» residential housing / V.I. Akimov, S.I. Polyakov, A.V. Polukazakov // 2020 International Russian Automation Conference (RusAutoCon). – Sochi, 2020. – Pp. 42-48. – DOI: 10.1109/RusAutoCon49822.2020.9208225.

  • С. 82-89.

S.A.Sazonova 1, A.V. Lemeshkin 2, V.A. Popov 1

Features of software development using arrays in an object-oriented environment
  • 1 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Voronezh State Technical University», This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    2 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies», This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • The features of software development using static and dynamic arrays in the C ++ Builder object-oriented environment are considered. The syntax of various options for creating static and dynamic arrays in the C ++ Builder language is considered in detail. Examples of working with static and dynamic arrays in C ++ Builder developed by the authors and the corresponding algorithms are presented in the form of block diagrams, program codes and program interfaces. Examples of program development are given using one-dimensional and multidimensional arrays. Examples of memory allocation are given for dynamic arrays. The choice of the required method for solving the problem is substantiated, taking into account the available input data and taking into account the expected results, as well as the peculiarities of their obtaining and processing. The external specification and the main features of the solution of the assigned tasks are considered. The development of algorithms and programs for solving problems using arrays in the C ++ Builder environment is the basis for solving engineering and technical problems using software on a computer. The proposed approaches can be used in practice, since the algorithms outlined in the work will serve as a complex example in solving the set engineering and technical problems.
  • Ключевые слова — Programming, programming language, C ++ Builder, static and dynamic arrays, algorithms, program listings, program interfaces.

  • [1] Kul'tin, N.B. Samouchitel' C++ Builder [C ++ Builder tutorial] / N.B. Kul'tin. – SPb., 2004. - 320 s.

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    [3] Sazonova, S.A. Simulation of a transport standby for ensuring safe heat supply systems operation / S.A. Sazonova, S.D. Nikolenko, A.A. Osipov // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. International science and technology conference "FarEastCon-2019". - 2020. - P. 052004. - DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/753/5/052004.

    [4] Development and application of a portable lightweight sound suppression panel to reduce noise at permanent and temporary workplaces in the manufacturing and repair workshops / V.F. Asminin, E.V. Druzhinina, S.A. Sazonova, D.S. Osmolovsky // Akustika. - 2019. - V. 34. - Pp. 18-21.

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    [7] Flexural strength of fiber reinforced concrete structures / S.D. Nikolenko, S.A. Sazonova, V.F. Asminin [et al.] // IOP Conference Series. Krasnoyarsk Science and Technology City Hall. Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation, 2021. - P. 22075. - DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1889/2/022075.

    [8] Weld defects and automation of methods for their detection / S.A. Sazonova, S.D. Nikolenko, A.A. Osipov [et al.] // IOP Conference Series. Krasnoyarsk Science and Technology City Hall. Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation, 2021. - P. 22078. - DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1889/2/022078.

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    [10] Proskurin, D.K. Skhodimost' vychislitel'nogo processa pri realizacii variacionnogo metoda resheniya kraevoj zadachi gidrodinamiki [Convergence of the computational process in the implementation of the variational method for solving the boundary value problem of hydrodynamics] / D.K. Proskurin, D.V. Sysoev, S.A. Sazonova // Vestnik Voronezhskogo gosudarst-vennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta. - 2021. - T. 17. - № 3. - S. 14-19. - DOI: 10.36622/VSTU.2021.17.3.002.

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    [13] Zol'nikov, V.K. Metody verifikacii slozhno-funkcional'nyh blokov v SAPR dlya mikroskhem gluboko submikronnyh proektnyh norm [Verification methods of complex functional blocks in CAD for microcircuits of deep submicron design standards] / V.K. Zol'nikov, S.A. Evdokimova, T.V. Skvorcova // Modelirovanie sistem i processov. – 2019. – T. 12, № 1. – S. 16-24. - DOI: 10.12737/article_5d639c80c83b71.60273345.

    [14] Algoritmicheskaya osnova modelirovaniya i obespecheniya zashchity tipovyh KMOP elementov v processe proektirovaniya [Algorithmic basis for modeling and providing protection of typical CMOS elements in the design process] / V.K. Zol'nikov, V.A. Smerek, V.I. Anciferova, S.A. Evdokimova // Modelirovanie sistem i processov. - 2013. - № 3. - S. 14-16. - DOI: 10.12737/2382.

    [15] Raschet teplovyh i termomekhanicheskih effektov dlya mikroskhem i tranzistorov [Calculation of thermal and thermomechanical effects for microcircuits and transistors] / V.K. Zol'nikov, M.V. Nazarenko, S.A. Evdokimova, V.I. Anciferova // Modelirovanie sistem i processov. - 2014. - № 3. - S. 12-14. - DOI: 10.12737/6640.

    [16] Skhemotekhnicheskij bazis i proverka mikroskhem na rabotosposobnost' [Schematic basis and testing of microcircuits for operability] / V.K. Zol'nikov, S.A. Evdokimova, A.V. Fomichev [i dr.] // Modelirovanie sistem i processov. - 2018. - T. 11, № 4. - S. 25-30. - DOI: 10.12737/article_5c79642c158bc0.44957273.

    [17] Sklyar, V.A. Modelirovanie nizkointensivnogo vozdejstviya kosmicheskogo prostranstva [Modeling the low-intensity impact of outer space] / V.A. Sklyar, V.K. Zol'nikov, S.A. Evdokimova // Modelirovanie sistem i processov. - 2016. - T. 9, № 2. - S. 71-74. - DOI: 10.12737/23663.

    [18] Rezul'taty ocenki nadezhnosti mikroskhemy 1921VK028 [The results of assessing the reliability of the microcircuit 1921VK028] / V.K. Zol'nikov, S.A. Evdokimova, E.V. Grosheva, A.I. YAn'kov // Modelirovanie sistem i processov. - 2019. - T. 12, № 4. - S. 37-41. - DOI: 10.12737/2219-0767-2020-12-4-37-41.

    [19] Rezul'taty ocenki nadezhnosti mikroskhemy 1921VK035 [The results of assessing the reliability of the microcircuit 1921VK035] / V.K. Zol'nikov, S.A. Evdokimova, E.V. Grosheva, A.I. YAn'kov // Modelirovanie sistem i processov. - 2019. - T.12, № 4. - S. 42-46. - DOI: 10.12737/2219-0767-2020-12-4-42-46.

    [20] Sistemy na kristalle (SNK) i vliyanie dannoj tekhnologii na sozdanie sovremennoj EKB [Systems on a chip (SNC) and the influence of this technology on the creation of modern EEE] / V.K. Zol'nikov, S.A. Evdokimova, M.YU. Arzamascev, A.E. Gridnev // Modelirovanie sistem i processov. - 2020. - T. 13, № 4. - S. 19-23. - DOI: 10.12737/2219-0767-2021-13-4-19-23.

    [21] Assessment of the impact of composite mixtures on the quality of new meat products / Y.A. Safonova, E.E. Kurchaeva, A.V. Lemeshkin [et al.] // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. - 2021. - 640(3). - P. 032002. - DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/640/3/032002.

    [22] Software tools for assessing the environmental safety of city filling stations / O.V. Kuripta, Yu.A. Vorobieva, K.V. Garmonov [et al.] // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. International scientific and practical conference "Ensuring sustainable development in the context of agriculture, green energy, ecology and earth science". - 2021. - P. 042051. - DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/723/4/042051.

    [23] Novikov, A.I. Grading of scots pine seeds by the seed coat color: how to optimize the engineering parameters of the mobile optoelectronic device / A.I. Novikov, V.K. Zolnikov, T.P. Novikova // Inventions. - 2021. - V. 6, № 1. - P. 7. - DOI: 10.3390/inventions6010007.

    [24] Methods of assessing the effectiveness of reforestation based on the theory of fuzzy sets / A. Kuzminov, L. Sakharova, M. Stryukov, V.K. Zolnikov // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. "International Forestry Forum "Forest Ecosystems as Global Resource of the Biosphere: Calls, Threats, Solutions". - 2020. - P. 012007. - DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/595/1/012007.

    [25] Sakharova, L. Methodology for assessing the sustainability of agricultural production, taking into account its economic efficiency / L. Sakharova, M. Stryukov, V.K. Zolnikov // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. International scientific and practical conference "Forest ecosystems as global resource of the biosphere: calls, threats, solutions" (Forestry-2019). - 2019. - P. 012019. - DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/392/1/012019.

    [26] Belokurov, V.P. Modeling passenger transportation processes using vehicles of various forms of ownership / V.P. Belokurov, S.V. Belokurov, V.K. Zolnikov // Transportation Research Procedia. - 2018. - P. 44-49. - DOI: 10.1016/j.trpro.2018.12.041.

    [27] Formation of the predicted training parameters in the form of a discrete information stream / T.E. Smolentseva, V.I. Sumin, V.K. Zolnikov, V.V. Lavlinsky // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. - 2018. - P. 012045. - DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/973/1/012045.

    [28] Methods of multi-criteria optimization in problems of simulation of trucking industry / S.V. Belokurov, V.P. Belokurov, V.K. Zolnikov, O.N. Cherkasov // Transportation Research Procedia. 12th International Conference "Organization and Traffic Safety Management in Large Cities", SPbOTSIC 2016. - 2017. - Pp. 47-52. - DOI: 10.1016/j.trpro.2017.01.010.

    [29] Features of the design of statically indeterminate frames by the mixed method with rods of a given stiffness / S.A. Sazonova, A. V. Zvyagintseva, S.D. Nikolenko [et al.] // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. - 2021. - Vol. 848(1). - P. 012168. - DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/848/1/012168.

  • С. 90-100.

A.V. Skrypnikov 1, V.V. Denisenko 1, O.G. Stukalo 1, M.S. Krasyuk 1, V.V. Toropcev 1

API as a way to interact with social networks
  • 1 Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • In the realities of the pandemic, chat bots have become indispensable helpers. They do not need a lot of resources and constant human control. A method of interacting with social networks through a specialized software interface Web API, which is the basis of the REST architecture, is considered. The basic structure of requests for receiving and sending data to servers is presented. On the example of the implementation of a chatbot for, capable of automating a dialogue with users, the main design stages are presented, including the requirements for the implementation and operation mode based on the client-server architecture, implementation and testing. The project server is implemented on a Raspberry Pi4 single-board computer. Demonstrated code for performing basic queries and implemented a Long Polling approach to continuously track and distribute user messages. Methods were formed to obtain the necessary resources from the server, to declare a new resource on the server, to update information on the server, and to delete certain objects from the database. The result was a patented software product "Intelligent assistant of VSUIT for social networks".
  • Ключевые слова — Chatbot, API, social networks, assistant, Raspberry.

  • [1] Tokarev, K.S. Rol' tehnologii open API v ekonomike [The role of open api technology in the economy] / K.S. Tokarev // Akademiya pedagogicheskih idey Novaciya. Seriya: Studencheskiy nauchnyy vestnik. – 2019. – № 1. – S. 432-435.

    [2] Transformation features of the digital economy of the russian federation / A.V. Skrypnikov, V.G. Kozlov, V.V. Denisenko [et al.] // Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research : Proceedings of the Russian Conference on Digital Economy and Knowledge Management (RuDEcK 2020). – 2020. – P. 145-148. – DOI: 10.2991/aebmr.k.200730.027.

    [3] Svidetel'stvo o registracii programmy dlya EVM RU 2021614730. Intellektual'nyy bot VGUIT dlya social'nyh setey [VGUIT intelligent bot for social networks] : zayavl. 22.03.2021 ; opubl. 29.03.2021 / V.N. Popov, V.N. Vasilenko, A.V. Skrypnikov [i dr.] ; zayavitel' i patentoobladatel' FGBOU VO «VGUIT».

    [4] Truhan, D.A. Primenenie API social'nyh setey pri razrabotke programmnogo obespecheniya monitoringa vypusknikov vuza [The use of social media APIs in the development of monitoring software for university graduates] / D.A. Truhan, V.N. Zueva, S.A. Inozemcev // Nauchnyy potencial vuza - proizvodstvu i obrazovaniyu : sbornik statey po materialam I Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferencii, posvyaschennoy 100-letiyu Kubanskogo gosudarstvennogo tehnologicheskogo universiteta i 60-letiyu Armavirskogo mehaniko-tehnologicheskogo instituta, Armavir, 07–08 dekabrya 2018 g. – Armavir: Armavirskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy universitet, 2019. – S. 27-31.

    [5] Authentication and load balancing scheme based on JSON Token for Multi-Agent Systems / B. E. Sabir, H. Allali, M. Youssfi, O. Bouattane // Procedia Computer Science : 2, Fez, 03–05 oktyabrya 2018 g. – Fez, 2019. – P. 562-570.

    [6] Skrypnikov, A.V. Ispol'zovanie metodov mashinnogo obucheniya pri reshenii zadach informacionnoy bezopasnosti [Use of machine learning methods in solving information security tasks] / A.V. Skrypnikov, V.V. Denisenko, I.A. Saranov // Vestnik Voronezhskogo instituta FSIN Rossii. – 2020. – № 4. – S. 69-73.

    [7] Programmno-tehnicheskie sredstva iskusstvennogo intellekta v usloviyah onlayn-transformacii [Artificial intelligence software and hardware in the context of online transformation] / A.V. Skrypnikov, V.V. Denisenko, I.A. Vysockaya [i dr.] // Avtomatizaciya. Sovremennye tehnologii. – 2021. – T. 75, № 8. – S. 373-376.

    [8] Sadhu, A. Zero-shot grounding of objects from natural language queries / A. Sadhu, K. Chen, R. Nevatia // Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision. – 2019. - № 10. - Pp. 4693-4702. – DOI: 10.1109/ICCV.2019.00479.

    [9] Skrypnikov, A.V. Primenenie analiza estestvennogo yazyka v tehnologiyah chat-botov v usloviyah onlayn-transformacii mira [Application of natural language analysis in chatbot technologies in the context of the online transformation of the world] / A.V. Skrypnikov, V.V. Denisenko, S.E. Demichev // Modelirovanie energoinformacionnyh processov : sbornik trudov IX Nacional'noy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferencii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem. – Voronezh, 2021. – S. 281-289.

    [10] Tang, R. Natural language generation for effective knowledge distillation / R. Tang, Y. Lu, J. Lin // Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on deep learning approaches for low-resource NLP (DeepLo 2019). – 2019. – Pp. 202–208. – DOI: 10.18653/v1/D19-6122.

    [11] Gaussian process Lstm recurrent neural network language models for speech recognition / M.W. Lam, X. Chen, S. Hu [et al.] // IEEE international conference on acoustics, speech and signal processing 2019 (ICASSP 2019). – 2019. - Pp. 7235–7239. - DOI: 10.1109/ICASSP.2019.8683660.

    [12] Kenchoshvili, V. V. Biblioteki i moduli neobhodimye dlya napisaniya chat-bota na yazyke Python 2 [Libraries and modules needed to write a chatbot in Python 2] / V.V. Kenchoshvili, N.Yu. Pyshkina // Sovremennye problemy cifrovizacii predpriyatiy vodnogo transporta i podgotovki specialistov v oblasti informacionnyh tehnologiy : cbornik trudov Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferencii k 80-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya professora A.S. Butova. – Sankt-Peterburg, 2019. – S. 115-117.

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  • С. 100-105.

O.V. Turbina 1, S.D. Nikolenko 1, S.A. Sazonova 1

Analysis of damages and defects of the repair and operational unit of the compressor station
  • 1 Voronezh State Technical University,This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • The need to maintain the technical condition of buildings with a significant service life determines the regularity of their inspection. The paper presents the analysis of the results of the inspection of the building of the repair and operational block of the compressor station. The analysis of the design documentation and the results of the measurement work showed that the construction is a one-story basementless building with dimensions of 54.62x18.74x5.9 m. The performed visual examination showed the presence of damages and defects of the third and fourth categories, which requires certain actions to eliminate them. Visual examination showed the need for instrumental examination. In particular, the need to determine the strength of brickwork and the strength of concrete in structures. The analysis of the results of the instrumental examination showed: the results of testing the wall masonry by the shock pulse method using the ONIKS 2.5 device showed that the compressive strength grade of silicate and ceramic bricks of the walls of the repair and maintenance block corresponds to M100, and the grade of masonry mortar is M50; The results of concrete testing by the non-destructive method of strength control in accordance with GOST 22690-88 with the Digi Shmidt 2000 device showed that the class of concrete in terms of compressive strength in reinforced concrete slabs of the covering of the repair and operational block corresponds to B20, and the class of concrete in reinforced concrete beams of the covering corresponds to B25. The verification calculation showed that the strength of the reinforced concrete pavement of the repair and maintenance unit under the full design load acting at the time of the survey was ensured. The analysis showed that the technical condition of the maintenance and operation unit is of limited serviceability. The work provides recommendations for eliminating defects and damages.
  • Ключевые слова — Compressor station, analysis, defects, damage, design documentation, technical condition of the structure, inspection.

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  • С. 106-114.

Yu.S. Shevnina 1, L.G. Gagarina 1, A.V. Chirkov 1, N.S. Mironov 1

Development of automation tools for managing exchange rates based on nonlinear dynamics methods
  • 1 National Research University of Electronic Technology, Zelenograd, Russia

  • Within the framework of this work, the tasks of studying the subject area of exchange rate management software, comparative analysis of several software solutions were solved. To implement the server part of the PM KB, the Python programming language was chosen. The Django framework formed the basis of the server part of the PM UKB. To implement the client, tools such as the Jinja template engine for collecting HTML pages, the Bootstrap framework for working with a grid and styles were used, and the JS language was used to create interactivity. The paper also presents a general scheme of the algorithm in a graphical form. Further in the article, the program blocks of authentication, data unloading, switching on and off the exchange, collecting modified data, adding the control data block to the point exchange rate management page, updating data in the database, updating data of specific rates are considered.
  • Ключевые слова — Working with data, exchange, web application, program module for managing courses, python, Django.

  • [1] Guseynov, A.G. Razrabotka sredstva avtomatizacii modelirovaniya intellektual'noy sistemy upravleniya gibkoy proizvodstvennoy sistemoy [Development of automation modeling means of intelligent control system by flexible production system] / A.G. Guseynov, N.G. Talybov, H.I. Manafova // Problemy sbora, podgotovki i transporta nefti i nefteproduktov. – 2017. – № 2 (108). – S. 104-110.

    [2] Lyaskovskiy, V.L. Metodicheskie i programmnye sredstva vybora resheniy po sozdaniyu (razvitiyu) avtomatizirovannyh sistem upravleniya [Methodological and software tools for selecting solutions for the creation (development) of automated control systems] / V.L. Lyaskovskiy, I.B. Bresler, M.A. Alasheev // Naukoemkie tehnologii v kosmicheskih issledovaniyah Zemli. – 2021. – T. 13, № 3. – S. 48-59. – DOI: 10.36724/2409-5419-2021-13-3-48-59.

    [3] Grachev, I.D. Modelirovanie anomaliy v birzhevom kurse kriptovalyut [Modelling the anomalies in cryptocurrency exchange] / I.D. Grachev, I.V. Nevolin // Problemy rynochnoy ekonomiki. – 2017. – № 4. – S. 17-25.

    [4] Osobennosti primeneniya novostnyh signalov i intuitivnogo analiza v processe ispol'zovaniya neyronnyh setey na fondovom rynke [Features of using news signals and intuitive analysis in the process of using neural networks in the stock market] / R.R. Veynberg, S.S. Hromov, O.V. Litvishko, S.A. Yarushev // Plehanovskiy nauchnyy byulleten'. – 2020. – № 1 (17). – S. 4-11.

    [5] Development of benchmark automation suite and evaluation of various high-performance computing systems / S. Rho, G. Park, J.E. Choi, C.-Y. Park // Cluster Computing. – 2021. – V. 24(9). – Pp. 1-21. – DOI: 10.1007/s10586-020-03167-2.

    [6] Development of a low-cost GSM-bluetooth home automation system / S. Aliyu, A. Yusuf, U. Abdullahi [et al.] // International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications. – 2017. – T. 9, № 8. – Pp. 41-50. – DOI: 10.5815/ijisa.2017.08.05.

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    [10] Razrabotka metodov ocenki i diagnostiki strukturnoy ustoychivosti materialov pri nizkih temperaturah s ispol'zovaniem podhodov nelineynoy dinamiki i iskusstvennogo intellekta [Development of methods for assessment and diagnostics structural stability of materials at low temperatures using nonlinear dynamics approaches and artificial intelligence] / Yu.G. Kabaldin, D.A. Shatagin, D.A. Sidorenkov [i dr.] // Mezhdunarodnyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy zhurnal. – 2016. – № 12-3 (54). – S. 98-104. – DOI: 10.18454/IRJ.2016.54.200.

  • С. 114-121.

N.Yu. Yudina 1, I.S. Kushcheva 1, T.V. Skvortsova 1

Determination of control actions and energy consumption during programmed motion of the manipulator
  • 1 Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • The paper presents the modeling of the solution to one of the problems of mechanics - the automated control of the manipulator used in the forestry industry for moving operations at various stages of the technological process. A unified model has been developed that allows generating control actions and energy consumption of the object under study. As a result of solving the problem, a system of equations was obtained for determining the control moment and control force, which allow the manipulator to be set in motion, as well as to determine the energy consumption for the implementation of the program motion, in which the load moves at a given speed from point a to point b along a straight line inclined at a given angle to the horizon. The proposed algorithm is generalized for solving computer-aided design problems and is a simulation experiment. The software solution is implemented in two forms. In the first module, the database is filled with the initial metric, angular and physical and mathematical characteristics of the manipulator. In the second, according to the unified model described above, the indicators are calculated that are necessary for the movement of the object and characterize the dynamics of movement, as well as the necessary energy consumption for performing the operations performed. The possibility of converting the calculated values from the database into an MS Excel table is provided.
  • Ключевые слова — Modeling, manipulator, design, control, automation, energy consumption, information technology.

  • [1] Yudina, N.Yu. Modelirovanie i optimizaciya processa lesosechnyh rabot pri rubkah uhoda v malolesnyh rayonah [Simulation and optimization of the process of logging operations in thinnings in sparsely wooded areas] / N.Yu. Yudina // Lesotehnicheskiy zhurnal. – 2013. – № 2 (10). – S. 101-110.

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  • С. 122-129.


Ph.V. Makarenko 1, A.S. Yagodkin 1, K.V. Zolnikov 1, O.A. Denisova 1

Implementation of the optimal construction of a combination device and evaluation of reliability by output voltage
  • 1 Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • The theoretical propositions of the algebra of logic are considered. It is noted that the current microcircuitry based on the algebra of logic contains logical statements: true (yes) is a logical unit, false (no) is a logical zero. Based on the given logical function: ((ABC)×D + A×(BCD) + A×(BC)×D + (AB)×(CD), frontal, minimal, transformed minimal variants of the combination device are implemented, as well as minimized variants in the bases "AND-NOT" and "OR-NOT". A combination device based on import-substituting chips of 155, 176 series has been designed. The analysis of the obtained devices is made from the standpoint of technical and economic indicators, in particular, an assessment of the number of logic elements used, an assessment of the symmetry of the structure, as a result, a reduction in energy consumption, an increase in performance, improvements in parameters for reliability of functioning, a decrease in weight and size characteristics. Assuming that the law of change of the information parameter U1 is close to linear, taking into account the effect of temperature as boundary values for the elements of the applied microcircuits, taking the values -60 °C and +120°. Accordingly, the parametric reliability of the optimal implementation of the device according to the output voltage parameter is calculated. The conclusion is made about the inverse dependence of parametric reliability on temperature growth. A recommendation is given when evaluating parametric reliability for a number of other information parameters about the need to take into account both the number of chips used and the type of their interconnections.
  • Ключевые слова — Combination device, AND-NOT, OR-NOT, K155LA1, K155LA3, K176LA7, K176LA8, parametric reliability.

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  • С. 130-139.

A.V. Poluektov 1, K.V. Zolnikov 1, V.I. Antsiferova 1

Simulation of oscillatory processes in the MVSTUDIUM package
  • 1 Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov

  • The mathematical model and algorithms of oscillatory movements are considered. Various factors affecting the oscillatory process are considered. Oscillatory movements are constructed in the MVSTUDIUM modeling environment. The schemes of three computer models demonstrating oscillatory processes are determined: a model of a pendulum with a non-movable suspension point, a model of a pushing pendulum with friction force and a model of a breaking pendulum. Classes are being built to execute models with embedded properties, as well as with the ability to export the created classes to other models, and embed classes created by the program developer into the model. Creation of 2D and 3D models of oscillatory processes, an experiment behavior map and a virtual stand.
  • Ключевые слова — Oscillations, model, MVSTUDIUM environment, 2D and 3D animations, systems of equations, virtual stand, model behavior map.

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