E.A. Anikeev
Model of fuzzy evaluation of performance of the road section
  • The article is about mathematical model of the construction of a comprehensive assessment of transport and operational condition of the road section and the algorithm decisions on prioritization of repairs. It uses the mathematical apparatus of the theory of fuzzy sets, allowing to simulate decision-making about the repair sections of the road.
  • Key words: roads, road condition assessment, road transport, fuzzy logic, fuzzy situation, linguistic variable, integrated assessment, integral criterion.
  • P. 5-10.
V.G. Gorbunov, V.S. Starodubtsev
The management of resources in emergency situations
  • The mathematical model and algorithm of process control in emergency situations. In an example process, performed by the flux method. Continuous event flow process is divided into the typical recurring situations. Under each type of emergency situation management procedure is developed. For each emergency situation are evaluated organizational and technical opportunities to continue the process on those types of work that do not depend on the situation. In this part of resources for stopped jobs are allocated to continue the process. The management situation is represented by a variety of criteria to evaluate the quality improvement process and the economic costs due to the allocation of resources.
  • Key words: emergency, production method, management procedure, resources, matrix incidence, contiguity, Pareto-optimal set of solutions.
  • P. 10-14.
Evdokimovа S.A., Dragina D.N.
The functional model of input documents of the organization in ARIS notation
  • The article considers the principles of organisation document circulation and the use of appropriate means of automation on the example of administration of the municipal district. Developed a graphical model eEPC processes of registration and processing of documents, organization of control of execution of the document.
  • Key words: document, document processing, notation ARIS, eEPC model.
  • P. 14-20.
S.A. Evdokimova, V.S. Kopylova
Analysis of the automation of foreign trade activities organization
  • The essence and key features of foreign economic activities of organizations engaged in export/import of goods. Analyzed existing software tools needed to automate accounting of foreign trade operations.
  • Key words: foreign economic activity, foreign trade, information systems, automation.
  • P. 20-23.
V.K. Zolnikov, V.P. Kryukov, A.Yu. Kulai, M.V. Konarev, I.I. Strukov, M.V. Solodilov
The operating conditions for a new generation of special purpose microcircuits
  • The questions of creation of modern microelectronics of special purpose are considered. The tendencies of its development and their influence on radiation resistance are determined. The main physical phenomena that have become dominant among radiation effects in recent times are shown.
  • Key words: microcircuit, radiation effect, microelectronics, VLSI.
  • P. 23-26.
V.K. Zolnikov, V.P. Kryukov, A.Yu. Kulai, Yu.K. Fortinsky, I.I. Strukov, M.V. Solodilov
Creation of circuitry and constructive-technological basis of special purpose microcircuits
  • The paper presents the circuit and structural and technological basis for new developments in microchips. The prospects for its development have been determined. The complexity of solving the problem is determined, which consists in an integrated combination and elimination of contradictions of various principles of creating equipment.
  • Key words: microcircuit, electronic component base, computer systems, radio engineering systems.
  • P. 27-29.
P.A. Kotov
Models of technical systems and aspects of stability in special cases in connection with the problems of power- base engineering
  • The real continuous models of technical systems described by the linear finite-dimensional equation of third order are considered, and        the constructive aspects of stability in special cases are offered.
  • Key words: relevant characteristic equation, dynamic model, special case, measurable initial conditions.
  • P. 29-31.
M.V. Manohin, S.A. Sazonova, S.D. Nikolenko, V.Ja. Manohin
Constructive solutions for safety in getting rid of dust emissions to asphalt plants
  • The data on the dust-collecting plants used in asphalt plants to ensure safety of workers.
  • Key words: safety, asphalt plants, cleaning of air emissions.
  • P. 32-36.
V.E. Meerson, E.D. Bogacheva
General characteristics of ionizing radiation of outer space that can affect the operation of onboard equipment of spacecrafts
  • The article discusses the results of experimental and technical studies of the spatial distribution, composition and energy spectra of ionizing radiation of outer space, model of ionizing radiation of outer space and the generalized algorithm of forecasting of radiation environment on Board the space apparatus.
  • Key words: charged particles in the radiation belts of the Earth, the value of the stream of charged particles, the energy distribution of charged particles.
  • P. 37-40.
V.E. Meerson, G.V. Kiselev
General characteristics of the models of charged particles of space
  • The article considers models of the natural radiation belts of the Earth, empirical models of electron fluxes, models of domestic and NASA models developed using satellite data.
  • Key words: radiation belt of the Earth, particle fluxes, flux densities of electrons.
  • P. 40-43.
S.D. Nikolenko, S.A. Sazonova
Automation of calculations on integrated mathematical model of time to evacuate people in case of fire
  • Through the use of integrated mathematical models of fire for the initial stage of the fire the example of calculation of critical fire duration in MathCAD for rooms with low proeminently and the time required for the evacuation of people from them.
  • Key words: mathematical modeling, fire hazards, of MathCAD, the critical length of the fire, fire safety buildings, evacuation of people.
  • P. 43-49.
S.D. Nikolenko, S.A. Sazonova, M.V. Manohin
Providing a safe working environment and air protection at asphalt plants
  • Are considered applicable to the installation of asphalt plants for purification of harmful emissions into the atmosphere needed to improve the safety level on the dangerous and hazardous work.
  • Key words: safety, asphalt plants, air protection.
  • P. 49-56.
O.V. Oksyuta, V.A. Korotkih
Design of the transport and logistics complex of the enterprise
  • The main characteristics of the company's production and dispatching service and the requirements for developing an integrated management system for the transport and logistics complex are presented, the structure and principles of the functioning of the automated management system, as well as the indicators characterizing the quality of the work of the cargo fronts and warehouses are defined.
  • Key words: logistics, production-dispatching service, accounting, control, automated control system, expert system.
  • P. 56-60.
O.V. Oksyuta, A.L. Kurina
Model of the system of planning and operational management of an economic object
  • The scientific bases and organization of planning and management of an economic object are considered, methods of functioning and planning are described on the basis of a single-product scheme, the order of program-target planning, planning of output is disclosed. Forecasting and planning are considered as the most important organizational and economic functions of the economic object.
  • Key words: economic object, management, planning, forecasting, optimization, single-product scheme, planning operator, operator of functioning.
  • P. 60-64.
O.V. Oksyuta, A.M. Milyutin
The system of recognition of traffic signs using artificial neural networks
  • We consider the creation of an artificial neural network that will recognize images of road signs, the resulting image is divided into frames, the outlines of objects are selected and compared with the outline patterns.
  • Key words: road signs, selection of objects on the image, neural networks, creation of neural network, training of neural network, color filter, image recognition.
  • P. 64-67.
S.A. Sazonova, S.D. Nikolenko, M.V. Manohin
On the issue of safe working conditions at the asphalt plant
  • The calculation of the dispersion of pollutants emission parameters on asphalt plants on the basis of standards for maximum permissible emissions. We consider the calculations of maximum permissible emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere and maximum ground-level concentrations with the definition of sanitary protection zone of asphalt plants.
  • Key words: safety, emissions, asphalt plants.
  • P. 68-72.
T.V. Skvortsova, A.A. Atapina
Analysis of export efficiency of printing house «Izdat-Chernozemye»
  • In the article is calculated export performance indicators of «Izdat-Chernozemye».
  • Key words: efficiency, export, export performance indicators.
  • P. 72-75.
T.A. Chubur
Discursive objectivation of verbal-mental units in the russian and english linguo-concoctospheres in the perspective of the laws of historical changes in languages
  • The article deals with the problems connected with historical laws of language changes, on the example of the important spheres of Russian and English lingua-conceptospheres. Developed methods of concept description of compared conceptospheres allows to reveal these patterns and the most complete set of structural components of every lexical unit that included in nominative field of the concept.
  • Key words: functional-temporal structural components of the meaning of the word, national specific, the historical development of languages.
  • P. 76-80.