I.I. Zastrozhnov, E.A. Rogozin, E.Y. Nikulina
Methodological bases of synthesis of subsystems of protection of information resource
  • The methodological bases of synthesis of subsystems of protection of information resource in systems of electronic document flow on the basis of a complex assessment of efficiency providing creation of a subsystem of the protection of information resource conforming to requirements imposed to it are given in article.
  • Key words: information resource, electronic document flow, information security, efficiency.
  • P. 5-8.
P.A. Kotov
Constructive aspects of electrodynamic
  • Dynamic models of the accelerated shift of the elementary particle with a charge in the electromagnetic field of measurable intensity are considered and the substantial relations, the distinctive state and solutions of problems in connection with the equations of stable elementary particle movement in a uniform magnetic field of the fixed intensity are offered.
  • Key words: second law of dynamics, dynamic models of the observed shift of the elementary particle, harmonic oscillator model.
  • P. 8-10.
P.A. Kotov
The method of real boundary problems developing the real boundary conditions
  • An efficient solution to the real equation of heat transfer with deterministic disturbance and informative method of the basic initial-boundary value problems for the unsteady heat propagation with measurable initial and boundary conditions.
  • Key words: heterogeneous isotropic body, the heat equation of a homogeneous body, initial-boundary value problem for the original equation of unsteady heat distribution.
  • P. 11-13.
P.A. Kotov
Solids aspects of interaction of material bodies in the problems of general astronomy
  • The theoretical model of long-distance interaction of material bodies in homogeneous space of measurable extent is considered and constructive aspects of stability of dynamic state with calculation for summing actions are offered.
  • Key words: dynamic model, dipole magnetic field, system of coordinate equations of non-resonance model of interaction PACS 96. 12. Fe.
  • P. 14-20.
Y.A. Makarova, A.Y. Manukovsky
Defining the parameters of the erosion zones of subgrade of the road in terms of flooding
  • The problem of the destruction of roads under the influence of adverse climatic factors. Simulation was conducted to determine the parameters of the erosion zones subgrade under flooding. Spend pressure dependency analysis and turbulent areas on the surface of the subgrade on the flow rate. conclusions were drawn.
  • Key words: floods, logging, road.
  • P. 20-23.
A. B. Mezentsev, S.A. Sazonova
Approximation algorithm taking into account technological and regime of restrictions in the problem of parametric optimization of hydraulic systems
  • The peculiarities of construction and implementation of approximation algorithm taking into account technological and regime of restrictions in the problem of parametric optimization of hydraulic systems.
  • Key words: hydraulic systems, parametric optimization, approximation algorithm, on-reliability.
  • P. 24-29.
A. B. Mezentsev, S.A. Sazonova
Computer experiment for testing the approximation algorithm of parametric optimization of hydraulic systems
  • The results of computational experiments for testing the approximation algorithm of parametric optimization of hydraulic systems. The object of investigation was adopted SIS theme of gas supply of low pressure residential neighborhood.
  • Key words: Hydraulic systems, numerical simulation, parameter optimization, up-proksimatsionny algorithm.
  • P. 29-33.
Mezentsev A. B., Sazonova S.A.
Local adjustment of the diameters of hydraulic systems with parametric optimization and ensuring security during their operation
  • In the formation of the local correction algorithms diameter hydraulic systems. The choice of the group sites, pipe diameters of which are subject to change. We consider two algorithms for adjusting the diameter, realized on the basis of the developed software package. Solution of parametric optimization provides the required level of reliability and safety of hydraulic systems.
  • Key words: hydraulic systems, parametric optimization, reliability, security.
  • P. 33-37.
A.I. Novikov, T.P. Novikova
Priori ranking factors in the modeling of technical systems
  • Based on the analysis of the matrix of ranks based on concordance contains the degree of influence of the factors that characterize the technical workflow systems sieveless separation of forest seeds, in order to take informed decisions when determining the initial conditions simulation.
  • Key words: decisions, expert judgments, a priori ranking, concordance, modeling, technical systems, sieveless separator, parameters, forest seeds.
  • P. 37-40.
E.A. Rogozin, I.G. Drovnikova, A.A. Nikitin, T.V. Shagirov
Algorithms for quantitative security assessment of automated systems based on the requirements
  • Presents algorithms for calculating the quantitative criterion of security of the automated systems (AS) and the effectiveness of the systems of information protection from unauthorized access (GIS LMI) in these systems, implement early times-robotany mathematical model of identification and evaluation of quantitative criteria the AS security based on the requirements of GOST R ISO/IEC 15408-2-2013. Developed by algorithms are an integral part of the system is automatically bundled design (CAD) GIS LMI AC.
  • Key words: computer-aided design system, automated system, the system of information protection from unauthorized access, a quantitative criterion of protection, the algorithm for quantitative security assessment.
  • P. 40-42.
S.R. Ryskulova
Processes in copper-smelting production as objects of control, accounting and management
  • In this article theoretical bases of process of melting of copper concentrates are presented to Vanyukov's furnaces. Design and structure of the furnace. The most important parameters of process of melting as subjects to control, account and management.
  • Key words: copper concentrate, melting, Vanyukov's furnace, draft copper, objects of management and control.
  • P. 42-44.
S.A. Sazonova
Analytical approach for solving the problem of parametric optimization while ensuring the safety of the hydraulic system
  • To solve the problem of parametric optimization while ensuring the safety of the hydraulic system applies an analytical approach. Rational choice of the form of the boundary conditions is achieved by reducing the limit as part of the scheme and puffins gathering nodes and flows exclude boundary conditions in the form of a fixed node of the potential for nodes.
  • Key words: hydraulic systems, security, mathematical programming, parameter optimization, analytical approach.
  • P. 44-47.
S.A. Sazonova
The problem of parametric optimization and security of functioning of hydraulic systems
  • Problem definition of parametrical optimization of hydraulic systems is considered. The general problem of parametrical optimization for systems of water supply and gas supply is presented in the form of a problem of mathematical programming. As a result of the solution of the considered task optimum parameters of the studied systems have to be determined, the required levels of reliability and safety when functioning are ensured.
  • Key words: hydraulic systems, security, mathematical programming, parameter optimization.
  • P. 48-51.
T. N. Storodubtseva, D. S. Kuznetsov
Analysis of the cause of a resonance and aerodynamic instability of high constructions and flexible designs
  • The analysis of origins of a mechanical resonance on buildings and constructions, and also aerodynamic instability of high buildings and flexible constructions is provided in article: vortex excitation and galloping, are given the basic estimated formulas for computation of critical speed of wind, amplitude of intensity of dynamic force, estimated static and dynamic components of a wind load. Relevance of operation consists in need of special calculation in case of design of high constructions and flexible constructions on wind loads.
  • Key words: resonance, amplitude, frequency, constructions, instability, wind.
  • P. 52-58.
N.Y. Yudina, N.V. Halzov
Analysis of the current software to analyze and evaluate the results of observations in forecasting and issuing control pollution of environment solutions
  • The article provides an overview of existing automated systems for environmental monitoring, identified their strengths and weaknesses. The decision on creation of information system of environmental monitoring to analyze and evaluate the results of observations, in the prediction and control of pollution of the issuance solutions environment.
  • Key words: environmental monitoring, system, software.
  • P. 58-61.
S.A. Vladimirov
About a balanced holistic and actually a possible model of macroeconomic system
  • The author's model, which is close to the interpretation of econophysical" direction leniyu in modern economic theory (the Carnot cycle in the thermodynamic) resulting economic system specific amount of public expenditure and investments always result in the ideal case ("zero-loss" maximum mally possible social efficiency of public spending and investments) to the maximum possible rate of economic growth. The result of the model developed by the author of a balanced open economy is to overcome the barrier of the alleged lack of economic system of quantitative constants, so it is very different from the physical systems (with full awareness of the limitations of its author: irreducibility public the progress of human development to increase income or augmenting material wealth, economic growth). Holistic macroeconomic model proposed above, following the introduction of her in the preparation, negotiation, approval and implementation of the budget analysis relevant government authorities allow, in our opinion "sighted", and not blindly justify the scientific and strictly control the effectiveness of direction tions of macroeconomic development, their deviation from ideal.
  • Key words: efficiency, macroeconomic, quality, a policy, taxes.
  • P. 62-68.